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1 month later

"You don't get out much anymore, do you?" Desiré asked Christopher as he prepared a bottle. It was a month after they'd met for the first time and tomorrow, Chris would be finding out if he'll be granted full custody of Aeko. It was an anxiety inducing moment and Desiré had decided to do a non mandatory visit to make sure everything was in order for tomorrow.

"Nah," Chris said screwing on the top of the bottle, "I'm not really ready to take him out. With paparazzi itching to get photos of him it's just too dangerous to risk, you know?"

Desiré nodded, as she looked down at Aeko. She was holding him while Chris prepared his bottle.

"It's crazy," Chris said as he walked over to Desiré staring into her wide brown eyes.

"What is?" She asked, taking the bottle from him and placing the nipple into Aeko's mouth.

"Echo won't let anyone besides me hold him without having a fit. Not even my mother. You're the only other person who he'll allow to hold him."

"Aw, that is kinda crazy, huh?" She asked, with a smile tugging at her lips.

"He's takes a liking to you, I guess."

"I wonder, why me. I don't really have that traditional motherly touch," Desiré shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked intrigued, sitting next to her.

"I can't have children. I've tried with my husband, but I'm barren. That's why I work with kids. To fill that void," she trailed off, looking as if she was floating in her thoughts. Chris notices her eyes welling up.

"I didn't know you were married. You don't wear a ring or anything," Chris said, biting his bottom lip as he twiddled his thumbs. He wondered how she managed to keep such an important aspect of her life hidden so well.

"Yeah, our six year anniversary is coming up soon," she rolled her eyes, "I stopped wearing my ring when he stopped wearing his band." She looked at Chris then looked down at Aeko who was sleeping.

"I'll take him," he offered, picking Aeko up and placing him in his bassinet, wrapping him in his blanket. When he came back to dining room, Desiré had kicked her heels off and her as slouching on the table as her toes brushed back and forth against the carpet as she swung her feet. "Mr. Brown," she said lowly, "I think I need some advice."


"It's like, I don't exist anymore or something," Desiré expressed as she drank some hot chocolate Chris prepared for her. "I wanted us to work but I can't pull the both of our weight."

"I hear ya," Chris comforted her as he added more whipped cream to her mug.

She mumbled a 'thank you' and pouted, messing with the long sleeve of her shirt.

"Look, in all honesty, your husband sounds like an idiot. You love him and from what you said it sounds like you aren't the problem. Some men just aren't cut out for marriage. I used to be that man."

"What changed?" She questioned sipping her cocoa.

"I got scared. I turned thirty years old and I had all this money and success with no one to share it with. My biggest fear is being alone and that was what I was. So when Kamika told me she was pregnant, I married her. It was on impulse. I just married the first girl I got pregnant. And it ended being the worst decision I ever made. And I've made terrible decisions," he vented.

"I can understand that, completely," Desiré touched his hand. "You know what we both need?"

"A joint?" Chris joked.

"No," Desiré chuckled, moving her hand from his, "I was gonna say some form of therapy."

"Literally, a joint is a form of therapy."

"I don't smoke, Mr. Brown."

"You don't do anything fun," she watched him roll his eyes. She thought it was cute.

"That's not true, I like to skii."

"That's some white people shit," Chris chuckled looking at her and she joined him in laughter, failing to defend her favorite past time. He'd catch himself staring at her at times but he realized he couldn't really help it. She was strikingly beautiful. "If I get custody of Echo—"

"When," Desiré corrected.

"Right, when I get custody of Echo, can you please still come to visit us? I mean Aeko really has somehow gotten attached to you... I wouldn't want to take you from him."

Aeko wasn't the only Brown that had become attached to Ms. Jones. Chris' slight crush for Desiré had grown into deeper feelings. Although he wanted to respect their relationship as professional, he couldn't help but to think that she was what him and his son were missing. He would dare say that to her though.

At least not now.

"Of course, Chris," Desiré smiled, "I really enjoy being here with you two. And you have my number, just call me if you need someone to talk to. I know how hard this is for you, I have your back."

"Thank you so much, Desiré."

"Oh shoot!" Desiré exclaimed getting up from the table. "It's after six!"

"Oh damn, it's that late?" Chris questioned as Desiré slid on her high heels. Soon after, Aeko started to cry from his bassinet and Chris rushed over to hold him. He looked Aeko in his eyes, recognizing this certain cry.

He looked at Desiré. "I heard it was gonna storm soon so you might wanna hur—".

Before Chris could finish his sentence, there was a bold sound of thunder and heavy rain falling outside.

Desiré sighed and dropped her things, sitting back down. "I guess I have no choice but to stay." She leaned her head into her palm.

Chris looked down at a now quieted Aeko, skeptical of what just occurred.


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