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'Today's the day', Chris thought to himself as he tightened his tie. He hated the restricting ensembles he had to parade in for court but he recognized that it'd be the last time he was forced to wear a suit, tie, and dress shoes. It was crowded downstairs so he spent as much time as he could alone. Well, almost alone. Smiling, Chris picked up his son from up out of his crib that was now placed next to his bed. He found that Aeko slept better when he was with him.  "I'm gonna prove to you and everyone else that I can do this," he said, placing a light kiss on his son's forehead. Aeko smiled.

Moments later, Joyce knocked faintly on the door. "Are you decent?" she asked. Chris opened the door and his mother stood there, nervously tugging on the necklace she'd gotten from him three birthdays ago. "I'm ready," he breathed before they walked downstairs into the living room. 

"The golden child has arrived!" Chris's aunt Christine called out as she stood up from the couch. 

"Who, me or him?" Chris asked, slightly chuckling. 

"Oh, give him here," she said taking Aeko from Chris's arms. Chris smiled, looking down as his aunt slipped a bracelet on Aeko's wrist. "it's jade," she said winking. Chris instantly recalled the conversation they had the night before. 


"I'm sorry I've been so busy, I know you've been waiting on this call," Christine said on the other line. 

"Yeah, yeah it's cool. I understand," he said shaking his head.

"Okay, there's no real easy way to go into this... so I'm just gonna rip off the band aid, if that's okay with you."

"It's fine," he looked down at Aeko, now fast asleep. 

Aeko Catori Brown

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Aeko Catori Brown


"You have a special child. Chosen to essentially do the work of the divine here on earth. There are only a few every couple hundred of years."

Chris scoffed, "you're messing with me...right?" 

"No. I am as serious as death. There are some rules you need to follow in order to cultivate his abilities. Or else he'll lose them before his fifth birthday." 


"Now, first and foremost, you told me about a woman? The social worker."

"Yes, Aeko has taken a liking to her, Ms. Jones."

"Good. Keep her around. In his mother's absence he's chosen her spirit as his mother's. "

Chris was flabbergasted. She couldn't possibly mean Aeko liking Desiré meant she has to help raise him. They barely even know each other. "How does that even happen? How do I tell her that my kid wants her to be his mom? She has a husban-" 

"Hush, Chris," she interrupted, "we'll find a way. First thing's first though, after court tomorrow we have to start with his training. It's broken down into quadrants," his aunt said as she read from an old journal, "Four phases."

"Auntie," he groaned, "I just don't get it."

"Christopher, your son is an Indigo Child."


"Alright, everyone! it's 9:30," Joyce called out. It was time to get going. Chris kissed Aeko's forhead and headed out with his mother, manager, and close friend and body guard Syrus. Syrus wasn't much of a talker or "here for the sad shit", as he'd often say, but he has always been there for Chris. He even developed a soft spot for Aeko, despite his thuggish demeanor. 

                        Syrus Santos

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                        Syrus Santos

"Hold down the fort, little man," Syrus said, gently poking Aeko's belly. He smiled down at him then nodded to Chris as he slid his hat on and the four; Chris, Joyce, Syrus, and Ant headed out the door.

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