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"Isn't that weird?" Chris asked Desiré as they walked out of Aeko's nursery. Chris had just changed and fed him before putting him down for bed.

"Isn't what weird?" She turned to him as they headed down the stairs.

"How Echo cries and then it just starts pouring outside. We've never gotten this much rain," Chris said, following Desiré to the living room, "ever."

Desiré shrugged as she plopped down on the plush couch. The rain still fell hard and she looked at Chris skeptically, "what are you getting at, Chris?"

He sat close to Ms. Jones, looking her in her eyes. "Promise me you won't think I'm crazy after saying this," he whispered.

"That depends..." she looked him over, trying to make of his sudden fidgetiness.

"Just promise, please," he begged.

"Fine, I promise I won't think you're crazy."

Chris moved even closer to the woman, now becoming tense, as he hunched over, rubbing his hands together. "I think- I think Echo has powers..."

Dumbfounded, Desiré looked away from Chris, laughing out of utter shock. Surely, she wasn't expecting to hear that from him.

"You're laughing, I'm serious, Desiré," he sucked his teeth, "I shouldn't have said anything."

She shook her head, stopping her giggling immediately. "No no, Chris," she touched his shoulder, reassuringly. The pair noticed a tingle in the touch, instantly locking eyes. Too scared to say anything they both ignored the small moment. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know if you were serious or not," Desiré apologized.

"It's fine, if you don't believe in this kinda stuff you won't understand," Chris said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Help me understand then."

They stared at each other and for a split second, forgetting what either of them were saying. Both were equally amazed at the lack of space between them.
Chris wondered what her lips felt like. He wanted to close the centimeters between them and kiss her. Before he could make up his mind, they were interrupted by Desiré's phone ringing.

"Oh, that's me," she said, digging in her purse before answering. "Yes, Derrick?"

Chris could tell just by how her mood changed that she was on the phone with her husband.

"I'm at work, why?"

Shamelessly, Chris decided to be nosey and listen in on the conversation.

Desiré looked at Chris and acted like she was shooing him away but he didn't budge.

"Yeah, I know... I know. Okay, I'll meet you there," she hung up, huffing then looked at Chris. "I have to go. I forgot my husband and I were supposed to be having a celebratory dinner tonight," she rolled her eyes standing.

"You don't seem in the celebratory mood," Chris stood up, "what's the occasion?"

"Oh I don't know, he crunched some numbers and he's dragging me to his business dinner."

Chris watched as Desiré smoothed out her grey pants that hugged her curves perfectly. "Do you think I look okay enough for a business dinner? Or should I go home and change quickly?"

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