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Christopher glared at the woman across the courtroom he thought he knew

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Christopher glared at the woman across the courtroom he thought he knew. It was only a matter of minutes before she was charged and taken back to her country to be dealt with. Years of lies and deceit weighed heavy on his shoulders as he slouched hearing the gavel. Everyday for the past two weeks Chris had been in that courtroom with no access to his child. As he maneuvered through the crowds of people, his body guards created a barrier around him, though, he didn't feel very much protection. He felt exposed and vulnerable. Even more so than when he did in February 2009. The din of the court steps made him nauseous. His head swirled and ever flash and call for his name pushed him closer to breaking. After a while he felt like he was carried to the car and placed in. Chris closed his eyes and breathed out, every scarring memory flooding back.

"It's over now," he heard the soothing voice of his mother as she embraced him.
Chris let out a shaky breath, never opening his eyes. "It's far from over, ma."

"The social worker, is bringing Aeko. Your things are already in the house."

"I don't get why we need a social worker," Chris finally opened his eyes as the car pulled into the street.

"You know why, now if you want any chance of getting Aeko—"

"What if I don't want him.." he mumbled.

"You hush your mouth! He is your son, for Christ's sake, forget his mother. She's paying for what she tried to do to you but you need to be here for your new born."

"They aren't going to give him to me. Look at my past," Chris shook his head looking out the window.

The car fell silent. There wasn't another word said and a while later they were arriving at Chris' new home. Smaller and humbler than his last house that he still owned but was sitting on for sentimental reasons. Two cars were already in the driveway, only one being familiar and Chris looked at his mother who nodded for him to go inside. His manager, Anthony, was sitting on the couch across from a slender, brown-skinned, woman with a low and modest ponytail pulled to the back of her head. A car seat with a sleeping baby Aeko inside. The woman stood, as well as Ant.

"You're just in time, we just arrived," the woman put her hand out and Chris shook it, slightly admiring her features. She was a pretty woman, but not his usual type. She looked too uptight. "I'm Desiré Jones, the social worker."
Chris only nodded and shook her hand, already knowing she knew exactly who he was.

She stepped out of the way so that he could see Aeko

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She stepped out of the way so that he could see Aeko. It's the first time he's seen him in almost a month. Kamika was detained almost immediately after he was born, thus, Aeko was put into the system until the court decided whether or not Chris was suitable enough to raise Aeko alone. Chris smiled at his son, sleeping peacefully.
"I won't wake him. He's too peaceful," he adjusted the blanket up to his neck then turned to the social worker.
"I just have to see where he'll be sleeping and I'll also have to ask a few routine questions before everything is good to go."

Chris raised his eyebrow and Desiré immediately sensed his skepticism. "It's all routine."
He looked at her as she folded her lips in looking at the floor and he couldn't help but to smirk, figuring he had some sort of effect on her. He lead her up the stairs to the nursery which was the first door on the right. When they walked in they were greeted with an extravagant looking space fit for a royal baby. Desiré checked off everything on the list and then her eyes fixed on a mural. It was a painting of Mufasa and Simba causing a smile to spread upon her lips.
"Does his room meet your criteria, Ms. Jones?" He had crept up behind her and was now close enough to cause a shiver to run down her spine when he spoke and she jumped slightly and she turned around, nervously, increasing the space between them.
"It exceeds," she licked her plump lips and he couldn't help but to notice her change in behavior. He'd changed his mind about her, somewhat.


𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔!!!! 𝑆𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑝 𝑜𝑟 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝?

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