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Night had fallen and Desiré was driving home with a belly full of pepperoni pizza. Her eyes stung  everytime she had to leave Chris and Aeko and go home to Derek. She still did love him; that's not just something that can dissipate into thin air. However, the him she knew and loved had been long gone. She still held on to the idea that he'd one day come back but the closer she became with Chris, the more she realized it'd never happen. Her sobs were now louder than the radio and her chest heaved up and down as she gripped onto the steering wheel pulling into an empty lot. She had to wait for her crying fit to end before she could get back on the road. Desiré groaned laying her head on the window, as she wondered what she'd do and how she could she come out of this unscathed. Her heart was already all in it and she knew there was no turning back.


Chris sat in front of his tv. His eyes were swollen and heavy and the sick, raw feeling he had when he first heard the news of his Ex's, Karrueche Tran, death crept back over him. Sorrow engulfed him as he watched the memorials that had sprouted up all around LA. He knew he hadn't killed her but he still felt responsible. He wasn't the only one who felt he should be held accountable either. There were numerous hate messages and posts directed to him. Calling him out for the murder of Karrueche Tran. Christopher hurt probably more then anyone. He'd probably mourn the longest. Especially because he was the one to discover her body. Still warm, but lifeless and limp in his arms as he couldn't believe his own eyes. He moaned, letting out a breath thinking about all the signs he should've been able to see, feeling responsible.

"Why do you still text her?" Kamika asked her boyfriend, following him as he fled from her. "You still love her?!"

Chris shook his head, clenching his jaw. He couldn't believe this girl. How could she think it was that easy? It's so much more complex than still loving someone. "Kamika, I love her. I always will have love for her. What she and I had is over but you can't just ignore a bond that strong. She needed me and I was there for her. That's it."

"What about when I need you?" She contested. "If you're gonna be there for her, who'll be there for me?" 

Chris hadn't realized that he wasn't the only one with complex feelings until then. He couldn't front. He knew Kamika started off as a convenient booty call. She reminded him of his ex. It was sick but it was his way of getting over the woman he truly loved. He messed up with her and he figured that by pursuing a woman who even looked like Karrueche Tran in the slightest would curb his then obsession with getting her back.

Even after all she said about him, he still would go to war for her. He'd risk everything he had for a second chance.

"See, this is what I'm talking about," Kamika said scoffing. Chris had snapped out of the complexities of his own mind and was now focused on what was in front of him. Kamika Thomas. He understood why she would be upset, he wasn't mad or annoyed with her. The situation was what annoyed him. "I don't think we should do this anymore..."

"Me neither, I hate arguing with you," Kamika said as she placed her hand on her boyfriend's chest, pouting.

Chris sighed and grabbed her hand, putting it down. "No," he began, "I mean be together."

Taken aback, Kamika felt her eyes start to water and her heart dropped to her stomach. She felt like she'd throw up everything she'd eaten from breakfast. "W-what?" She furrowed her eyebrows and her voice trembled as a tear fell from her eye.

"I know what I want," Chris stood up straight, trying not to make contact with those big doe eyes he found hypnotic, "and it's not you."

"What are you saying, Christopher?" Her voice broke and she followed him once more as he began to walk away from her.

"I'll give you a week. After that you figure out where you can stay," he said turning around, finally looking at her. She had tears in her eyes and her arms were crossed as she looked at the floor.

"I don't get it! I did everything right!"

"You're not her!" He yelled.

"You can't just throw me out!"

Chris shrugged her off when she tried to place her hand on his shoulder. "I'm not throwing you out. I'm giving you a whole week to figure out what you're gonna do."

"I'm pregnant."

Chris looked at the woman, sternly. He couldn't tell if she was for real or not. She had to be. He didn't take her for the type to lie about something like that.  He knew then that if he were to make her leave he'd be the bad guy. He was tired of being the bad guy.  So, apprehensively, he pulled her in for a hug.  She didn't hug back or really react much. Kamika stood snaked in his long, inked up arms staring blankly at the wall. She knew that she was only one step away from being put out and the only thing possibly increasing her stay would be the unexpected pregnancy she'd recently discovered herself. She hadn't imagined telling Chris she'd be having his child in this manner.

She told him she loved him, emptily. She didn't love him. She loved what he could do for her. She loved how powerful and important he made her feel. She didn't want that to go away. And she didn't want anything to deconstruct the wall of importance she'd built around herself after Chris had announced his love for her. When he didn't say it back this time, she knew her wall was being broken down and that there was only one person equipped enough to do so.

Karrueche Tran.


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