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Introduction to Phase 1: "The Jade Phase"

- An Indigo Child is born. Be prepared for fluctuation of emotions and strange occurrences relating to your Indigo Child's emotion. The Jade Phase promotes calmness. Ease your Indigo Child into the life of being a prophecy by nurturing. Any lack of nurturing could damage said Indigo Child's journey and may strip them of their powers. Do not fret, parents. Allow your Indigo Child to guide you in the right direction.

"This doesn't even seem real," Chris said looking down at the book, " I mean, I never knew this stuff was on paper."

"Just because you're self proclaimed doesn't mean it isn't real, Chris."

Chris looked at his aunt, contorting his face. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I didn't mean it like that," she looked at her nephew, sighing, "but you are not an indigo child."

"I see that now, because obviously it's a lot more to it then I thought," Chris said looking down at the astrological birthcharts.

Christine grabbed the book from Chris, looking at him, "you could've been."

"Then what happened?" He looked up. Christine opened her mouth, going to speak but the doorbell rang. Syrus hollered from the kitchen that he'd see who it is. When he looked at the monitor, he saw a medium brown skinned slender woman, standing with her dainty hands clasped together. He concluded that this was Ms. Jones, the social worker. However, judging by her good looks, he could already see that she'd soon become more than just the social worker.

"What" Syrus said as he opened the door. He went out of his way to make his welcomes as cold as possible.

"I'm Desiré Jones. Aeko's social worker. Well, former, now," she smiled, "you must be Syrus."

Syrus looked at her extended hand then stared at her blankly, causing her to slowly retract it. "uh, may I come in?" She asked apprehensively.

"Thought you'd never ask, Ms. Jones," Syrus stepped out of her way allowing her inside.

"Oh Chris I came right over after you called, I'm so happy for you!" Desiré nearly jumped into Chris' arms hugging him tight. "I knew you had nothing to worry about," she exhaled, gently pulling away from the hug.

"Desiré," Chris looked at her. She noticed that he wasn't smiling. "We need to talk."


Christine and Chris were sitting on the couch while Desiré paced across the floor in front of them. She'd taken off her heels and her dainty feet pattered back and forth across the floor. Chris took note of her movements. Even when in utter shock and obvious emotional distress, he still found her incredibly sexy.

"Soooooo," she began finally, "let me get this straight. Aeko," she pointed to him, "has powers," she looked at the Aunt and nephew duo and they nodded. "And y'all need me to be his mom, for him to access all of his abilities?" She pointed to herself, wide eyed.

"I know it sounds crazy bu-"

"Sounds crazy?! It is! He's just a baby, what does he need all of that responsibility for?" She argued.

"It's more than the responsibility, honey," Christine stood and placed her hands on Desiré's tense shoulders, slightly calming her down instantaneously, "if we don't nurture his powers bad spirits could foment dangerous. To Aeko and everyone around him."

"H-how do you know all of this?" Desiré's voice cracked.

"Because," Christine began, "in every family where an Indigo Child is born, a seer is born first. I happened to be the seer of my family. I've traveled with other people like me, studied, taken months off at a time to understand my gift. I failed the first go round and I'm not gonna let it happen again. Aeko is my second chance."

"Who did you fail the first time?" Chris spoke up.
Desiré looked in his direction and she finally took in his appearance. He was still scruffy. He didn't even bother to shave for court and he of course was already changed out of his suit and tie and into a comfortable white T-shirt and grey sweatpants. "Who'd you fail?" Chris asked again as his Aunt hesitated. "Was it me? Was I the first Indigo Child?"

"Chris..."Desiré said, looking at him.

"Yes. You were. And I failed you," Christine said, "and I'm sorry."

"Sorry? So you mean to tell me...you let your only nephew and you sister fight for their lives when I had the tools to make things better? Everything I've been through... all of the terrible terrible misfortune, could've been avoided?"

Desiré looked between the two, sensing the face off bound to happen.

"It's not that simple Christopher!"

"Then explain why you knew and still let me go through all of that!"

"Your mother wouldn't let me! Your household was unstable before you were even born you were bound to go bad so I took your powers away myself!" She cried, "I-I wanted to help you, I did. Joyce just didn't understand. You being the entertainer you are today isn't a coincidence. It's apart of being an Indigo Child. You lost your powers but you didn't lose your charm and positive effect on people."

Chris sniffed, his face buried in his palms. He was crying. Desiré wasn't used to seeing this much emotion from Chris. It was hard for her to watch. "I think I should go, I'll think everything over after I clear my hea-" before Desiré could finish, they heard a signature crack of lightning thunder though the sky as heavy rain poured down. Aeko's wails followed shortly after.

"Aeko disagrees," Chris said after wiping his eyes and picking his son up, trying to console him. "It's alright, Echo. She's not gonna leave you," Chris said looking up at Desiré, trying to convince himself more than Aeko.


Hey darlings! Thank you for being patient and all of the well wishes! I am soooooo back on my grind!  Updates about to be flying at y'all  all next week! Tell me how y'all feeling the plot so far! Much love ❤️

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