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"Hello?" Lyberti called as she pushed open the door of her bestfriend's home. She was there to drop off a few items Desiré had left in her apartment when she stayed the weekend in an attempt to get away from Derek. As she walked through the living room, she took cautious steps, combing through her memories trying to remember where the light switch was. She had only been there a handful of times as Derek doesn't really like visitors. Her hand grazed the wall and she then felt another hand grab onto hers, causing her to jump slightly.

"What are you doing in my house?" Derek asked before flicking on the light.

Lyberti's nose turned up at the strong smell of alcohol on his breath and she had noticed that his grip on her hand was gradually becoming tighter. "I'm just dropping off Desire's things—"

"Ah come on, we both know why you're here, Lyberti," Derek chuckled menacingly.

Images of New Year's Eve 2014 paraded through her mind. Three years ago seemed like such a long time from now but the memories still caused her thighs to tremble. Lyberti remembered the sinful acts her and Derek performed under the nose of one of her closest friends. They were all at the same party and neither of them could control their urges after bumping into each other in an upstairs bathroom. "I'm here to drop Desire's things off." She assured him, putting the bag in front of her so he could take it.

He looked at her and smirked a little before taking the bag away from her and tossing it on the couch. He reestablished his grip on her hand and pulled her closer, placing a wet kiss on her neck causing her to moan out loud. He picked her up effortlessly and carried her upstairs where they relived the lustful night that took place at a New Years Eve Party back in 2014.

 He picked her up effortlessly and carried her upstairs where they relived the lustful night that took place at a New Years Eve Party back in 2014

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Now as Lyberti walked with Derek, she had way less to say than he did. She just listened while Derek blew off steam.

"I mean who the fuck does he think he is? Coming in there and kissing all up on her like that? MY wife?" He raged on.

Lyberti kept her head down.

"You've got nothing to say?" Derek said stepping closer to her, nearly causing her to stumble back.

"No," she mumbled.

"I really do hate that mousy shit you do," he stuffed a cigarette between his lips before continuing, " I mean, you should be comfortable around me by now. After all the kinky shit we've done together."

She shook her head repeatedly. "No, no, I told you we were gonna forget about that."

He chuckled, taking a few puffs as he blew out some smoke moving a little closer. "I bet if I put a hand up your skirt my fingers will be drenched."

"You're sick," Lyberti spat.

"We both are. Don't forget I know what turns you on."

"Shut up Derek!"

"Mmm, nope I don't think I will. Not until you give me what I want." He raised his eyebrows offering her the cigarette that she declined by putting her hand up.

"What do you want?" She sighed.

"2014 and 2017. It's 2020." He riddled.

"And?" She questioned.

"Every three years. We're due."

"Derek, now is not the time. Desire' is in the hospital." She pushed him back.

"Oh and you getting pregnant by me right after Desiré lost our baby was though?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Fuck you! Don't you dare put that all on me." She cried out.

"Who said I put it all on you? I'm the one who paid for you to get rid of it."

"That's not even what I wanted..." she mumbled, looking away.

"I know baby," Derek pressed his hand on her cheek, rubbing behind her ear softly.

"I never got you. Why did you marry her if you never really loved her?" Guilt washed over Lyberti as her eyes filled with tears. She felt sick to her stomach thinking of how terrible of a friend she had been to Desiré. "You're wasting each other's time being together, you know?"

"Well, I guess she thinks so too. She's trying to divorce me," he scoffed as if he was appalled by the thought of splitting from his wife.

"Let her. You both need to move on."

"You don't know what either of us need, Libby."

"I'm gonna go. I'll see you...whenever," she responded, turning away. As she headed in the opposite direction of the man she tried her best to stay away from, his voice called out after her.

"Whenever could be tonight, you know where I live!"

She rolled her eyes in disgust, making her way to her car.

Four Weeks Later

Everything was eerily familiar to her

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Everything was eerily familiar to her. It amazed her that such an important aspect of her life was just a gray area in her mind. How could she forget six years of marriage, yet remember every detail of her affair. After hearing what drove their marriage to go wrong, she decided that it would be best to work things out with her husband.

"And this is where we'd usually sleep... when you'd come home," Derek sighed, sitting on the bed. "It hurts that you don't remember me, but you remember him."

"I know I don't remember. But I am so, so sorry Derek. I— I just can't wrap my head around it," Desiré huffed, sitting next to her husband, laying in her arms. "I really must've not been a good person."

"No, no baby. Don't beat yourself up about it. I worked a lot and I wouldn't get home til late—"

"Derek, that is no excuse. I just want to thank you for still taking care of me after everything I put you through," Desiré pleaded with her eyes.

Derek let out a sigh, " I love you. None of that matters to me anymore, Desi. Through thick and thin, til death do us part."

Desiré modded placing her forehead in his chest. Unbeknownst to her, Derek smiled gleefully knowing that he got away with his infidelity because hers showed up in her hospital room. For four weeks he's been by her side telling her everything that he wanted to be true while keeping her friends, family, and especially Chris away. He hoped that he could keep it up. Derek didn't care, though. He was just glad to finally have full control over her.

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