Chapter 2: Yoongi

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Yoongi had followed his pack to this new town and so far it had been beneficial to his alpha, his beta, and Tae. They'd found their mates. Yoongi was particularly irked about Tae's since that little shit didn't even believe in mates. Yoongi knew his was close he could feel her. Where the hell was she?

Yoongi was currently trying to breakup an intense game of go fish between Jungkook and Misha, the son of Tae's mate. He wasn't sure who he'd gotten this job. He assumed because the alpha and beta were wrapped up in their mates. Yoongi liked all the girls. Rose was kind and compassionate. Daisy was funny and feisty. Ivy was sweet and caring. They were all perfect additions to the pack and perfect for his brothers.

"Misha, come on bud. We gotta get ready for bed." Yoongi said.

The pack members had all been taking turns helping with Misha. Ivy had protested at first, but it was hard to argue with seven stubborn wolf shifters. Misha looked at Yoongi with pouty eyes and stuck out his bottom lip.

"Oh no. Don't give me those puppy dog eyes. You know they don't work on me." Yoongi said firmly.

"Come on Yoongs... Just a few more minutes." Jungkook said giving Yoongi big eyes as well.

Jesus Christ. Yoongi had never really been able to deny Jungkook anything when he was just a raggedy little teenage boy and even now as an adult. Jungkook would always be his baby brother. Yoongi sighed deeply.

"Two more minutes. I'm setting a timer." Yoongi said sitting back in his chair.

"Yes!" The two boys said in unison.

Yoongi let them finish the game and then led the smaller boy to bed. He helped him into his pajamas. He read him a story. The little pup was asleep before he'd gotten to the second page. He gently patted the boys hair. He rose to his feet and flicked on the night light. He turned off the light and shut the door slightly.

He was walking to his room. He ran into Namjoon, the alpha of his pack. Yoongi let out a small grunt since running into Namjoon was the equivalent to running into a brick wall.

"Hey Yoongi." He said smiling.

"Hey Joon." Yoongi answered slipping around him.

"Misha go down ok?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah. I had to pry him away from Jungkook, but he's fast asleep now." Yoongi said smiling.

"Good." Namjoon said returning to whatever he was going to do before.

Yoongi went up to his room and went to bed. He laid there thinking about how happy his brothers were with their mates. He wanted that too. He wanted a piece of that happiness.


Yoongi was taking a nap and dreaming about cats for some reason. He'd been running through the woods as wolf and every where he'd turned there was a black house cat. When his phone started ringing...

"Hey, D..." Yoongi began.

"Yoongi something happened. We were at the park and these guys came out of no where. The were shifters. Jin... Jin..." Daisy said and Yoongi could hear the fear in her voice.

Yoongi's heart dropped.

"Is he alive?" Yoongi said his voice tight.

He braces himself for the worst. He couldn't imagine a life without his big brother Kim Seokjin. How would the pack go on without him?

"He's hurt real bad Yoongs. We are at the hospital. I didn't know what else to do.... Yoongi I'm scared." She said nearly hyperventilating.

Yoongi's heart immediately lifted. He began to go in automatic pilot mode. He had to get Joon and they had to get to Daisy and Jin. They both needed them.

"I'm coming, D. Don't worry Joon and I are coming." He said his voice shaky.

"Ok." She said and the line died.

Yoongi immediately got Joon and they made their way to the hospital. Yoongi barely remembered driving. He and Namjoon raced into the hospital.

"Kim Seokjin, I'm his brother." Namjoon said to the lady at the desk.

"Oh. He's still in surgery. The waiting room where his wife is, is down the hall to the right." She said pointing.

"Thank you." Namjoon said as he and Yoongi made their way.

"Wife?" Yoongi said bewildered.

"So they'd give her medical information." Namjoon said shrugging.

That made sense. Daisy would need a reason to legally be granted access. She used the most common reason to share the information. She's a smart girl.

They'd found the waiting room. Daisy was hugging another small woman. That's when Yoongi was hit with a ton of bricks. Mate. She was right in front of him. Yoongi's body tensed.

"Are you fucking serious? Right now?" Namjoon hissed at him.

Joon was acting like he'd planned it out this way. He knew that Yoongi had no control. Yoongi knew he was worried about Jin and this wasn't the most appropriate time.

"It's not like I have fucking control." Yoongi hissed back.

"I can hear you." The tiny woman turned to them.

She was beautiful. She was an absolute knock out. Yoongi wondered how he'd gotten so lucky. That was until she put her hands on her hips and glared at Yoongi. She sized him up. She was a shifter, but not a wolf. He wondered what kind of shifter she was. Yoongi smirked at her and licked his lips. She quirked a brown and smirked back.

"So Jin?" Namjoon said annoyed.

"He's in surgery. We should be able to get him to the point that his accelerated healing will take over. We have a very sensible supernatural staff here." She explained looking at Namjoon all business now.

She sounded so professional and smart. Yoongi was basically drooling over her.

"You're a nurse?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes. I came to sit with Daisy, here. She helped me and my friend find our apartment. I'm Sage by the way. I'm a panther." She said extending a hand.

"Oh I bet you are kitten." Yoongi said winking suggestively.

Namjoon groaned and rolled his eyes. Daisy choked on a laugh. Sage looked at him deadpan making Yoongi's bravado falter. Yoongi fancied himself rather charming when he wanted to be.

"Listen here, wolf boy. You gotta take a girl out a couple times before you get to use that pet name." She putting her finger to his chest and pushing him back slightly.

Yoongi was automatically turned on. Jesus Christ she's perfect. How is she even fucking real?

"Fuck." Yoongi breathed.

How eloquent...

"I'm going to go check the status of your friend. I'll be back." She chuckled at him.

Yoongi watched her leave. If that wasn't a sight... Yoongi couldn't believe he'd found her. She was already consuming every thought. His little kitten was playing hard to get. He'd get her. He always like the chase. Then Namjoon punched him in the arm.

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