Chapter 4: Yoongi

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He was on the phone with Hobi when you came back into the room. He had been talking about you but he quickly changed the subject.

"She's there now, isn't she?" Hobi said Yoongi could tell he was grinning like an idiot.

"Yes." Yoongi said nodding to you.

You nodded back and waited for him to get off the phone. You turned away slightly to give him privacy. Cute. He thought.

"Then why the fuck are you still talking to me?" Hobi said laughing now.

"I don't know. Bye." Yoongi said through gritted teeth.

"Bye." Hobi said laughing.

He hung up the phone and turned to you. You smiled at him. He thought that there wasn't anything better in the world than to see you smile at him. Jesus he was going corny. Jin's gonna love that.

"Everything ok at home?" You asked politely.

"Yeah I was just updating the pack." He said rubbing his neck.

"Jin should be able to leave in the morning." You said clasping your hands together.

You seemed nervous. Did he make you nervous? He smirked at the thought.

"That's good. Your staff must be very good." He replied.

"They are." You said rocking on your heels.

"So..." He said shoving his hands in his pockets.

He didn't know what else's to say to you. Does he ask you out? Why did you have to be so pretty? It would be easier if you weren't so pretty or smart. He now had an overwhelming fear that he'd sound stupid or say something stupid.

"So?" You said back smiling.

"I don't know what to say." He said honestly, chuckling.

"Me either. I mean what do you say in this situation. It's odd. We are complete strangers, who are fated to be together. It's a strange concept. I mean what if you're insane or mean? I'm not saying you are. I don't think you are. You care for your friends deeply I can see that. So you aren't a monster." You said as if you couldn't stop the words from falling from your mouth.

"I understand. There's also this need to be near you. The need to know everything about you. Yet I don't know how to approach that without seeming weird or creepy. You seem to also be a decent person. You sat with Daisy so she wouldn't be alone. She's very new to this life. Your kindness to her is beautiful. I would like to get to know you." Yoongi said nervously.

"I want to get to know you." You said smiling softly.

"Good. That's good." Yoongi said while internally panicking about the fact that he could only get the word good to come out of his mouth.

You smiled at him. You drew closer. You were laced a hand on his chest. Yoongi's brain was running on super speed. His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. You smirked at him.

"I'll see you around, wolfie." You said as you slunk away.

"See ya around, kitten." Yoongi said and he watched you shiver slightly.

Yoongi chuckled to himself. He waited for Namjoon to return. When he did Namjoon was looking relieved but Yoongi could tell he was angry. He could feel it.

"Joon?" He asked.

"Not here." He said quietly.

They walked to the car. They got in and began driving. Yoongi waited. He knew that Namjoon would talk when he was ready.

"Supernatural law enforcement should be called." Namjoon said sighing.

"Yes, but they don't move quickly. You know that. It's why so many packs fail. There are no real repercussions for bad behavior. The system worked when it was a couple thousand shifters in the world. It's in the millions now. There's no way to cope with that. We have to settle this ourselves." Yoongi said seriously.

"I won't force the girl and her child to go back." Namjoon said firmly.

"Why the fuck would any of us ask you to do that? Not even Jin who nearly died as a result of us taking Ivy in would suggest that." Yoongi nearly spat at him.

Namjoon sighed deeply. He ran a hand over his face. Yoongi knew that he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He always had been. He always felt responsible for others. He was a good man and alpha.

"I know. I just need to stand firm in this decision. Especially when talking to Chan. I think he will help us further. He's looking to settle near us. His alliance and friendship would be good for both our packs." Namjoon said.

"It would keep people at bay. No rush to violence with an ally so close." Yoongi replied.

"I can't believe that dick threatened Rose. If I ever get my hands on him..." Namjoon threatened.

"If any of us get our hands on him..." Yoongi agreed.

"Fair. So how went things with your mate?" Namjoon asked.

"She's funny, witty, and a fucking knock out. I will go pick up Jin tomorrow and then I'll ask for her number. We'll see where it goes. She's open to the idea of being with me." Yoongi said a smile creeping across his face.

"She's a panther... they don't usually like packs." Namjoon said nervously.

He was just looking out for Yoongi. Yoongi knew that. Sage was different.

"She's different. I can feel it." Yoongi said confidently.

"Ok..." Namjoon said.

Yoongi wasn't sure that Namjoon believed him. He knew that Joon would never stop him from his dreams or getting what he wanted. He did however give you a realistic view of the situation. He wanted you to be fully prepared for whatever situation you were apart of.

Yoongi pulled up to the house. He saw the big camper. It must belong to SKZ. They entered the house. They caught everyone up to speed. Yoongi went to bed that night dreaming again of a black cat who he chased through the woods. She was always just out of reach, so far and yet so very close.

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