Chapter 47: Midnight

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( meanwhile at Rainbow's house ) ( the time is 11:46 pm )

( rainbow was ready... she had a few weapons just in case )

Rainbow: psst.... Applejack

( applejack was sleep in the bed ) ( and yes they are/was sleeping together )

( rainbow shake her a little bit )

Applejack: hmm?

Rainbow: i'm fina go okay?

Applejack: be careful alright...

Rainbow: alright...

( rainbow kissed applejack on the forehead )

( rainbow left )

( rainbow was walking ) ( time skip to downtown area , the ally way )

Rainbow: damn, it's really dark down here.... I can't barely even see anything...

???: hi rainbow...

Rainbow: who's there?!?! how do you know my name?!?!?!

???: don't be such a fool... it's me.. 

Lighting dust...

Rainbow: Lighting Dust?!?!?! I've should've known....

Lighting Dust: I've thought you will figure it out after I call you...

Rainbow: what do you want?

 Lighting Dust: oh... I just want to say how is your friend doing?

Rainbow: she fine... why are you so worry about her???

Lighting Dust: I was just asking..... but, anyways... what your plan?

Rainbow: what plan?

Lighting Dust: the plan that you and your friend made to stop me??

Rainbow: wait... how do you know?

Lighting Dust: rainbow... i'm not stupid... I can hear ya know...

Rainbow: but, you wasn't around we we said all that...

Lighting Dust: you think? just think about it....

Rainbow: wait..........................

Lighting Dust: hahahaha!!!!!!! I never knew you could be so stupid....

( rainbow was in total shocked )

Rainbow POV: our whole plan is ruined now...

Lighting Dust: well too bad that... since, that I already know ya plan now... haha!!

Rainbow POV: so what are we gonna do now??? now how are we gonna help pinkie pie.........

( rainbow was full with depression & and she didn't know what to do )

Lighting Dust: I wonder if yall gonna have a back-up plan... but, probably NOT!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! ya don't even know what to do now... since, I know the plan!!!!!!!!!

( rainbow wanted to cry so hard now ) ( since, don't have any plans... )

Lighting Dust: so what are you gonna do dash?? sit there in cry...aww... well......TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

( rainbow got really angry at that point )

Lighting Dust:   poor rainbow...  well it's not my fault that yall are so stupid!!!!!!! hahahahaha!!!!!

( rainbow hurry up and took out her knife and stab Lighting Dust in the arm )

Lighting Dust: ...................... what the hell!!!!!!!! you will pay for that rainbow dash!!!!!!

( said Lighting Dust while taking a gun out and fina shoot it at rainbow )

* boom *

Lighting Dust POV: shoot!!! I missed!!!!!!!

Rainbow: come on Lighting Dust~~~ I know you can do better than that~~~

* boom boom boom *

Lighting Dust POV: how do I keep missing!!!!!

* boom *

( Lighting Dust fell to the ground )

- put to 3:16 and play it -

Rainbow: now tell me what do you do to hurt pinkie pie?!?!?!

Lighting Dust: like I will ever tell you?!?! Rainbow you are nothing.... I don't even know why your still here.........but, to be honest your stupid & your forgotten.... your useless like the rest of your friends!!!!!!!!!!!

( said Lighting dust while stab rainbow in the back )

( rainbow fell to the ground really hard )

Lighting Dust: i knew you were weak....

( said Lighting dust while off )

- meanwhile with Applejack -

( Applejack woke up )

Applejack: what time is it??? don't rainbow should be back by now???

( 1:30pm )

Applejack: something is not right....

( applejack call Twilight )

Applejack: twilight.....

Twi: yes?

Applejack: rainbow left at 12:50pm and it's 1:31am now... and, rainbow been gonna for a while... and i'm starting to get worried...

Twi: okay... I will go call the girls... and we will go check on rainbow.....

Applejack: alright.....

( time skip to downtown area )

Rarity: I hope rainbow is alright....

Fluttershy: me too....

( applejack was too worried )

( a few mins. later )

Fluttershy: whos that...

Applejack POV: rainbow???

( applejack ran up to rainbow )

Applejack: RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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