Chapter 125: Friends Makeup 🌈💎

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( Rainbow had walked off while rarity was still sitting down )

Rarity mind: I didn't mean to say it like that.. and besides, I didn't know she would respond like that..

I should apologize..

( Rarity see rainbow walking off, so she had got up and walked up to her )

Rarity: Rainbow dash..

( Rainbow hears Rarity, but she had already walked out the cafeteria door )

( Rarity stopped, but she started back walking )

( Rainbow in the hallways sitting on the floor )

( Rarity opens the cafeteria door and sees rainbow in the hallway, sitting on the floor )

( Rarity walked towards her and sat down beside her )

( Rainbow noticed Rarity is beside her )

Rarity: I'm sorry Rainbow dash.. I didn't mean to rub in your face like that. I didn't know your response was that darling.

( Rainbow turns to her )

Rainbow: Look.

( Rarity was looking at her )

Rainbow: I'm sorry for treating you like that. Your my friend Rarity, and I should know better not to treat you like that. I'm sorry..

Rarity: No darling.. it's my fault. I should've never brought that side of the story up.

* Rainbow sighs *

Rarity: How about I make it up to you..

Rainbow: What do you mean?

( Rainbow was confused )

Rarity: Do you have plans to do anything after school?

Rainbow: yea.. me and Applejack is supposed to be going to the mall to find a prom outfit.

Rarity: Oh.. okay!

Rainbow: Why, you ask?

Rarity: because I was gonna ask you, do you and Applejack wanna come with us girls shopping for prom.. but I already see that you just wanna be with Applejack. And that's okay!

Rainbow: Thanks for the offer, rarity..

Rarity: You're welcome, Rainbow dash..

Rainbow: Speaking of prom..

( Rainbow sides closer to Rarity and smirk at her )

( Rarity looks at her with confusion )

Rainbow: Don't you have anyone that you like rarity~?

I know you like someone..

* Rarity Sighs *

Rarity: Well darling.. I actually don't have anyone I don't like..

( Rainbow was shocked )

Rainbow: Oh.. why not date Pinkie or fluttershy?

Cause I know for sure twilight and sunset go together.

Rarity: Oh! I know about them for sure, darling..

And Pinkie no.

Just no.

And fluttetshy.. umm.. no?

Rainbow: That's fine if you say no.. you can just go so that you won't miss out on anything.. ya know?

* Rarity sighs *

Rarity: Right.. I'm okay, though..

Rainbow: Okay..

° ° °

Rarity: Let's go back inside and eat so that we won't miss lunch..

( said Rarity while getting from off the floor )

Rainbow: Right..

( Rainbow got up as well )

( Rarity started dusting off her dress )

Rarity: Alright! Let go back..

( Rainbow nodded )

( Then they both went back into the cafeteria )

🌈💫 An Unsolved AppleDash Puzzle Love Story & BackStory 🌈💫Where stories live. Discover now