Chapter 74: Mix Feelings..

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( Meanwhile in the kitchen )

Applejack: Oh hey, rainbow. Food is ready.. I was just about to go up there and tell you..

( said applejack while getting the plates ready )

Rainbow: Oh. Thanks for letting me know..

Rainbow mind: *Damn baby...*

( Rainbow was mesmerized by her again )

( Applejack already had started fixing plates )

( now it's Rainbow turn )

Applejack: Alright sugarcube, what do you want?

Rainbow: umm...


( Applejack heard her and she started blushing )

Applejack: stop playing.. I'm for real tell me-

Rainbow: I'm for real too..

( said Rainbow while leaning towards the counter infront for her )

( Applejack started groaning because, she tried of her *she just playing* )

Rainbow: but for real though. I want everything.

( said Rainbow while looking at the food )

Applejack: alright..

( Applejack started fixing her food and hers )

( Applejack had got done and gave rainbow's plate to her )

( then they both started walking to the dinning table )

Rainbow: I bet I can Rizz you up..

( Applejack looked at her crazy )

Rainbow: come babe.. let me try.

( said Rainbow while bumping Applejack shoulder )

( Applejack sighs and say )

Applejack: Alright show me what you got..

( Rainbow nodded )

Rainbow: Damn Baby.. you should be on the menu cause I'll sho pick you.

( Applejack almost fell out )

( Rainbow noticed it )

Rainbow: You okay..?

( Applejack looked at her )

Rainbow: how did I do..?

( Applejack couldn't say anything. It felt like she broken her )

Rainbow: welp since your not talking, I'm guess I did pretty good. I had you speechless.

( applejack looked at her again )

( Then they sat at the table beside each other )

( Pearia was watching them and thought about something )

Pearia: I have a question..

Rainbow: Okay..

Pearia: If you don't mind me asking how long you two been friends?

Rainbow: Oh friends.. she is actually my girlfrie-


Rainbow: Owch!

( Apllejack looked at her and laughed )

( Rainbow was confused )

Applejack: we've veen friends since elementary..

Pearia: Oh okay.. so do you girls like anyone?

Applejack: Well..

Rainbow: I do.

( Applejack looked at her and Pearia did too )

Pearia: who dear if you mind me asking.

Rainbow: It's a girl.

Pearia: Oh. That's wonderful dear..

( Applejack felt like someone had stab her a thousand times )

( Applejack felt sad in the inside )

( After that Applejack wanted to leave the table )

Pearia: Okay.. so what do you like about her?

Rainbow: She is just... beautiful. I love her so much. I just hope she feels the same way... Oh!

( Rainbow mind starts to have all these bunch words coming in her head )

Rainbow: I could go on and on about the things I really love her about..

( Pearia was happy to hear this.. then, she looked over at Applejack )

( Applejack didn't know how to feel )

Pearia: you okay dearie...?

( Applejack looked over at her )

Applejack: yea...

( Applejack had mix feelings.. she wanted to cry and not at the same time )

( But when she looked at Rainbow, she got up from the table and walked off crying )

( When Applejack looked at Rainbow before she had got up, rainbow saw tears in her eyes )

( When she had saw Applejack get up from the table, she immediately got up from the table and ran after her )

🌈💫 An Unsolved AppleDash Puzzle Love Story & BackStory 🌈💫Where stories live. Discover now