Chapter 96: Taking Care Of You...

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( After that, they stayed at the mall a little longer )

( and then it was time to go )

Rainbow: Okay.. let me stop before I go completely broke..

* Applejack laughs *

( Applejack looked at her bags, so she had like 8 on her arms. And some were really heavy )

( Applejack decided to take 4 from one of her arms )

( Rainbow looked confused )

Applejack: I'm not trying to call you weak.. but, it's Was just so many bags on you! Plus, you have been carrying them all day..

Rainbow: Oh..

( she looked at her arm )

Rainbow: Ouch...

( Applejack looked at her, then looked at her arm )

Applejack: You know what.. how about I carry all of them...

Your arms look red and sore..

When we get home, I'm take care of your arms..

( Applejack had already got the other bags, now she has all 8 of them )

( Rainbow was shocked but calm )

Rainbow: Thanks, babe..

Applejack: No problem ^^

Time Skip Meanwhile at home
• • • • • • • • • •
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( Rainbow was sitting on the kitchen counter while Applejack was getting the medical kit )

( Applejack came back and started taking care of Rainbow's arms )

Rainbow: Owch.

Applejack: Sorry..

Rainbow: It's okay..

( After a few mins, Applejack was done )

( Rainbow looked at the time on the microwave )

* 8:30pm *

Rainbow: Babe.. can we play Roblox-Mutiplayer again..? It was so much fun last time..

Applejack: Of course... bet I'll beat you to the bedroom!

( Said applejack while running off )

Rainbow: Hey! You had gotten a hard start!!

( said Rainbow while catching up to applejack )

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