Chapter 137: Dancing In The Rain.. ✨️🌧 *A Long Raining Memory Chapter *

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( The Next Morning )

{ Setting Weather: Raining }

{ if you play the song while reading it will make the mood better ^^ }

( Rainbow woke up and looked at the time on her phone )

* 10:05am *

( Rainbow cut off her phone and sat up )

( After a few mins. )

* Door Knocks *

Nurse: Hi..

( said the nurse while closing the door while coming in )

Nurse: How are you feeling this morning..? I tried to give you some medicine, but you fell asleep already when I came in.

Rainbow: Oh. I feel okay.

Nurse: Okay.. does your head hurt?

Rainbow: No.. I think the pain is wearing off.

( Said Rainbow while feeling her forehead )

Nurse: Good. I'm still giving you some medicine, though.. just in case.

Rainbow: Okay.

( she got up and walked out the door and closed it )

* Rainbow sighs *

( She heard a knock on the door and looked up )


Rainbow: Babe.. I missed you..

( Applejack ran to her in a warm embrace hug )

I missed you too..

I slept so differently without you.. I felt like I needed you when you left. I didn't want you to leave me.. I-


( Applejack looked at her with a smile )

Applejack: I had bought you some breakfast I made just for you! Oh!
And I made some hot chocolate too cause, I know you get cold at night..

( said applejack while looking at her with both of her hands on Rainbow's arms and then started preparing the food for her )

( Rainbow looked at applejack memorized and calmly )

Applejack: Okay, so everything is ready..

( said applejack while the food on a table tray stands and put it above Rainbow's legs )

( Rainbow looked at the food and gasped )

Thank you so much, beautiful~

( Said Rainbow while hugging applejack )

* That moment was perfect for her *

( After that.. )

Applejack: How about we go outside.. you need to stretch your legs..

( Rainbow nodded )

Rainbow: I saw a patio behind the hopstial.. we can go there.

Applejack: Good idea. Let's go..

( Applejack removed the tray and put it on the table. Rainbow moved and sat at the edge of the bed. Applejack came to her and pulled the jacket around her. And looked into her eyes. It was like that for a min. )

( After that Applejack took rainbow hand and helped her get up )

Let's go Beautiful..

( Said applejack while holding Rainbow hands and opening the door )


After that moment, they talked at the patio while it was raining.. rainbow layed her head on Applejack's lap while they both sitting on the bench.

I wish this moment can last for ever.. I feel like all my bad emotions and thoughts have faded away..

I love you applejack..~

After a few mins. Later..

Rainbow thought about something and got up and walking into the rain..

Rainbow: Come on AJ dance with me

( she said while holding out her hand )

( Applejack laughed and got up and walked into the rain. And took her hand )

And soon after that the two girls was dancing in the rain..

They laughed and played together..

Rainbow ran towards her and applejack picked her up.. rainbow closed her eyes. Just a big weight of her shoulders just left her. And after that.. Applejack lift her back down but still in applejack arms.

Rainbow puts her hands on Applejack's face and they kissed


I never wanna leave and forget this moment.. I feel like I could tell her anything now.. I will always love you..


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