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Assimilation ~ the process of absorbing one group into harmony with another

They had moved me to a cell with metal bars, it was similar to the one I was in 79 years ago.

They didn't give me food or anything. We were on test 438. Starvation.


I hear a large commotion come from a long distance, maybe a few miles away. I watch through the small window as multiple HYDRA soldiers get into tanks and start driving off.

I grab the metal bars and yell, "Hey! Is anyone there?!"

I lean on the bars and, all of a sudden, they bend.

"Okay what the actual fawk?!"

I bend the bars more, creating enough space for me to get out.

I walk out of the room, punching the door open.

Four armed soldiers approach me.

I grab one of their guns and shoot two of them. I punch the third as the fourth puts me in a headlock. I push my feet of the ground and flip back, sending the fourth onto the ground. The one I punched gets back up. I grab a dagger from the last soldier's pocket and chuck it at the guy, stabbing his eye. I remove the knife and blood spurts out. I wipe the bloody knife on my pants.

I fall to the ground, dizzy.

What? They tortured me for the past 36 hours. Being beaten, electrocuted, cut, drowned, and poisoned aren't exactly energizing activities.

I walk into a room, facing multiple soldiers. At one point I got stabbed in the leg but that's okay because fuck life.


There was a large sign that said Files.

Wait a minute, could it be there?

I have to check.


A mile away from the large explosion, 20 minutes ago

Steve Rogers POV

"Okay she should be here," I say. We stand a couple miles away from the HYDRA facility in the Swiss Alps. The one where Bucky fell of the train, who was looking traumatized, staring at the cliffs. PTSD is great, isn't it.

"We need to create a diversion. There are only seven of us," Tony points to himself, me, Bruce, Bucky, Nat, Rhodey, and Sam.

"I can send Redwing for a self destruct about a mile away from here. He makes a very big bomb," Sam offers.

"Yeah that would work."

The machine flies off of Sam's back and through the mountains. A few minutes later, we hear a large boom.

I watch from a distance as multiple HYDRA soldiers get onto tanks and other vehicles, going towards the bomb.

"We should have about half an hour before they come back," Nat says. We fly the Quinjet closer to the HYDRA facility. We're coming Thea.


Thea Rogers POV

I limp as I knock out another HYDRA soldier. By this point I was a mile away from the facility. I see a small ship a couple hundred yards away.


My ride.

Kinda looks like the Quinjet.

Oh shit.




I start to run through the snow but fall to the ground, "Nope. Still tortured and stabbed. Right."

I hear multiple HYDRA soldiers come behind me, maybe 200 meters away.

Gunshots ring through the air as I crawl towards the Quinjet, frostbite and snow stinging my wounds.

"Oh my god Thea!" Stevie runs to me as the Quinjet doors open, "You do not look good."

"Yeah funny story Stevie," I grin and try to stand up, but collapse into Steve's arms, "Wanna just carry me?"

He lifts me up and runs towards the Quinjet. He throws his shield and it boomerangs off the HYDRA soldiers behind us, knocking them down.

We get onto the jet and Nat grabs me, helping me onto a chair.

"JARVIS. Scan," Banner says.

"Multiple contusions. Stab wound in her left Achilles' tendon. There is also something running through her blood. Nothing I've ever seen before."

I grin again, "Right. So they made a serum and injected me with it. It's different than the one they gave Steve. Then they tortured me by doing things that nearly killed me and also I have a superpower but I have no idea what it is. I think it's like, impenetrable skin but I got stabbed so I don't know. Ooh I also stole the tape."

I wave the tape in the air and Steve takes it, "The one Dad made?"

I nod, "You know we never got to see a picture of him."

"There's a code," Steve examines it, "8 letters."

"K-k-k-katy? Joseph and Sarah don't work. Neither does Steven or Thea," I suggest.

He gives it a try and we hear it unlock. Tony goes to rummage through some stuff and eventually finds a cassette player.

We put the tape in and a picture of Dad appears. Stevie takes my hand into his and I give him a reassuring squeeze.

"This is Joseph Rogers of the 107th infantry. I cannot say where the weapon is, but it is locked away. The key is back in Brooklyn, in my hou..." the tape stops as gunshots fire in the background.

"What's the weapon?" Bucky asks.

"I don't know. That's what we need to find out but it sounds important. But before that, we need to burn this tape so HYDRA can't find it. And we need to get rid of the serum in me," I reply.

"We don't even know what's in you, much less how to take it out Thea," Nat tells me, "Plus, it's a superpower. It can be useful."

"Sure it can be useful in fights. But not only for us. Also for HYDRA. If they get me, they can turn me into a weapon. I almost kicked Stevie and Bucky's asses without superpowers. Do you have any idea how dangerous I could be with superpowers. Not to mention that Stevie is my brother. Do you think he could hurt me and live with himself? He doesn't have the guts to kill me and as sweet as that is, it's bad. You know I'm right."

Steve sighs, "Okay. We get rid of the tape, we get the key, Tony and Banner find out what they put in Thea and how to get it out. We get the weapon and destroy it. Then we destroy the rest of HYDRA. I thought we had shut them down."

"Sounds like a plan," Sam agrees.

I nod, "Sure. But before all of that, I need a nap."

Datura - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now