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Ambedo ~ a kind of melancholic trace in which one becomes completely absorbed in vivid sensory details - raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in coffee - which leads to a daunting awareness of the haunting fragility of life, a mood who's only cure is the vuvuzela

"Here goes nothing," I kiss Bucky's cheek, resulting in a small smile from him, "I want Rumlow."

Fury responds through the earpiece, "He's in the helicarrier. He's trying to get it in the air. Be quick."

"Fury and I will deal with Pierce," Nat informs us.

"The rest of us will deal with the HYDRA assassins," Steve instructs, "Lets go people!"

"Hey Stevie! Wanda! Gimme a boost!" I point up to the helicarrier flying in the air. He nods and puts his shield up while Wanda forms a large shield with her magic. I jump off Wanda's shield onto Steve's, which I spring off of, my hands grasping at the bottom of the helicarrier.

Wincing as I lift myself up, I punch the door of the helicarrier in and hoist myself up. I see Rumlow putting the last key part in the machine to start the helicarrier.

How the hell did he get it?

As if he read my mind, he grinned, "You should have searched your house better. We searched the place and found it easily."

I glare at him, "Fuck you."

He chuckles, "That's the best you got? Cmon Datura. I always did better than you when we trained. You never beat me. And you never will but, hey, might as well try."

I tap my earpiece and mutter, "Hill, blow this helicarrier as soon as you get the chance."

"You'll die!" Bucky yells. I could hear him grunting through the earpiece.

"Just do it."


Bucky Barnes POV

I pinned down another HYDRA operative as I heard Thea's voice in the comms, "Just do it."

She considered this a suicide mission. To be fair, it kind of was. But I couldn't let her die.

"Steve! I'm going after her!" I yell at him.

He throws his shield and hits a couple of people, "Thea can take care of herself! We need your help here!"

"I gotta help her!" I start running toward a the helicarrier, which was far away, and not to mention, in the sky. I had no idea whatsoever on how I would get there, but I had to try.


Thea Barnes, oops, I mean Rogers POV 😏😏😏

"I haven't got all day, Datura," Rumlow sighs, "Got people to kill. Like your brother and your boyfriend."

Well obviously I took that shit personally.

I grabbed my knife and charged him. He easily sidestepped it, causing me to fall. He lifts me up by the neck, pinning me to a wall, "Weak. Who even are you? You're no one. You should have come back and been Datura when you had the chance."

I claw at his hand for a moment.

You are nothing.

That's not true.

What are you?

I don't say - well think - anything.


Something was triggered in me. Instead of clawing at his hand, I punched him in his ugly face multiple times. I gasp for air as he runs at me. He headbutts me and pushes me into the wall. I knee him in the guts and grab my knife. He grabs his own and tries to cut my face. I move my head and cut his arm.

He groans in pain and tries to stab me in the chest, but I grab his hand before doing so. He tries to push it into my chest but I don't let it go past an inch near me. I flip his hand so the knife was now being held against his neck and I smirked, "I would kill you. But I can't. You asked me who I am? I'm a fucking Avenger."


Bucky Barnes POV

I was almost to the helicarrier when I hear Hill's voice through the tech in my ear, "The drones are up in the air. Get out now, Rogers."

Thea didn't respond. I saw the drones start to get in the air. I jumped on one of them as they flew towards the helicarrier. I jumped off and into the large piece of weaponry.

"Firing in 3...."

I saw Thea and started running towards her.


I jumped on top of her and we slid through the helicarrier and into the large window, which shattered and sent us freefalling.


The helicarrier exploded, the force pushing us towards the Potomac. I squeezed my eyes shut and enveloped my arms around Thea, when I felt us suddenly stop falling. I look around to see Wanda slowly lowering us to the ground. I look at Thea, who looked up at me with a smile on her face, "I beat Rumlow up."

I grin, "Good job."

We land on the ground and I kiss her.


Thea Rogers POV

I break away from the kiss and look at the damage we made. The Triskelion was absolutely destroyed and the water was full of debris.

"Where's Rumlow?" Steve asks.

"Exploded, I'm pretty sure."

"Well we can all go home now," Steve grins, wrapping an arm around me, "Until the next world ending threat, of course."

I chuckle, "Of course. Thanks for the landing, Wanda."

She smiles, "Of course, Thea. Any time."

"Well," Bucky kisses the top of my head, "Let's go home."

Steve pulls me away from him, being overprotective as he is, "Let's."

I glare at Steve and walk up to Nat, who wraps her arm around me jokingly, "Let's go home."

A/N : Hey y'all. Do you want me to continue this story and drag it through Civil War, Infinity War, Endgame and FATWS or end it in a few parts and start a new story? The next one I'm planning to write is non smut and Guardians of the Galaxy or a love story with one of the other Avengers (Loki, Steve, Tony, T'Challa, Thor, etc.). Let me know pleaseeeeee. Love y'all!


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