Ch 9: UNhurtful Betrayal

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The dinner had started. Nearly all the tributes had crowded over the long table at the centre of the hall to pick their food, a scene that reminded him of wolves surrounding a prey. All of the tributes except Xiaojun.

He's starving as much as them but he is in no mood to be near people at the moment. He opted to go to the toilet instead just to freshen up. He struggled in blinking back tears after holding in his yawns for a long time.

After Lord Jung Jaehyun finished his long long speech (which bore Xiaojun to death as the man's speech was full of praises to Neozone Kingdom when Xiaojun genuinely felt nothing other than hatred towards the very same Kingdom), the microphone was then passed to the host, Leeteuk. It again followed with another long speech.

The only interesting thing from the beta's speech is when he announced the list of the tributes that managed to snag sponsors. Not that Xiaojun was hoping that he would be one of them. He only paid attention to because of the reactions from the tributes were too amusing to pass. Especially those who thought that they would get sponsored but don't.

The female tribute from the Gold City even stood up to scream at the host asking why she wasn't chosen. It is rude but since when the Capital City people ever cares about being good? Xiaojun wondered the same as her but for entirely different reason like why don't they sponsor as she clearly represents their values?

Disrespecting other ranks is definitely what Capital City people always do. Coincidentally, Xiaojun's eyes caught the act of a Capital City man shoving a beta, a waiter who was struggling to balance the alcoholic drinks on one hand, nearly causing the beta to fall down.

It was easy for him to observe the Capital City people as they are at the other side of the hall with only glass separating as if the tributes are still a threat to them despite having armed guards surrounding them.

No one bat an eye to that incident. It's a common occurence anyway. Xiaojun walked slowly to his destination, the courtesy of Bambam pointing out the direction because Xiaojun was sure that he is in no condition of speaking with a stranger even simply asking for direction. It drained his energy fast.

Xiaojun was about to open the toilet door when he heard someone saying his name. He eyed the balcony located at the end of the hallway.

Since no one else is there, the sound of the people chattering echoed to the hallway and obviously the people concerned didn't notice Xiaojun's presence. He suspects Bambam deliberately gave direction to the toilet that people rarely visits as Xiaojun checked again, literally no one else is around.

Xiaojun walked stealthily, trying his best to make his presence unknown by hiding in the shadows, his eyes dead focused on ensuring that the light from the dimly lit ornament lamps didn't fall on him. He held his breath and creeped closer to the two figures at the balcony to eavesdrop.

He heard the voices of two women, one whose he found familiar but not for the other one. 

"I haven't asked him yet. How about I ask him first before we decide?" Solar sais with apparent hesitance in her voice.

Xiaojun's ears perked up at the familiariaty but he still couldn't figure out the identity so he creeped closer to them while flattening himself against the wall to see the person. Too bad, she was facing the other way.

Xiaojun instantly recognizes it when the other person said..

"What for? You should have realized that he'll hold you back from winning the Games by now. No one would vote for you. You guys are from the same City. Naturally they will think that you are his ally." The person paused a bit, observing Solar who looked troubled at the prospect of losing the Games.

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