Ch 11: The Very First Game Part 2

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I promised a double update, didn't I? ;) Enjoyyy.

They slowly let go of each other's hold when their surroundings had turned silent

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They slowly let go of each other's hold when their surroundings had turned silent. The tunnel had built up completely around them.

They briefly introduced themselves to each other which was quite embarrassing for Xiaojun considering that they'd known each other's names while he knew none of them.

He later learned that the male tribute who pulled his hand earlier to join his team is Hendery from Neo City while the other male tribute who had a boyish look is Yangyang from Green City. Doyeon introduced herself curtly to him and told him that she already knew his name to which Xiaojun attributed to the fame of his father.

"I don't know whether I should feel amazed or terrified with this. I mean, a tunnel building up on its own?!. My people will be covering this all day on TV." Hendery exclaimed while shaking his head. His voice echoed in the tunnel.

Xiaojun, Yangyang and Doyeon nodded in agreement. It's kind of scary how clueless they are of the capability of the Capital City and Neozone Kingdom and how much more advanced these Cities can be in making this sort of Games.

Doyeon who was the only female omega tribute in their team, stood up. While the rest still seated on the ground, trying to make sense of the situation and steady their breath, she had started looking around, touching and examining the walls as she walked.

Xiaojun, Yangyang and Hendery exchanged a look of wonder. Nodding to each other, they followed her.

The dark surroundings gave an eerie feeling as if someone or something would appear out of nowhere and attack them but Doyeon looked nonchalant of the darkness. She walked with ease, which contrasts heavily to their watchful steps as they kept turning back their heads to ensure that they are not being followed by anyone. Or anything.

"Where are the other teams? It seems like we're the only team here." Yangyang finally spoke.

Xiaojun sensed a slight shiver in his voice but he cannot confirm it as his surroundings was too dark for him to really make out Yangyang's expression. Too bad, neither of them has a flashlight. Xiaojun tried listening harder of any sounds that indicates the presence of any other humans but nothing.

"Right. It will be harder to escape this tunnel with only us. We'll need help." Xiaojun uttered his concern. Even though it was very dark, sometimes as they walked, they were helped by dimmed lights coming from the few cracks of the tunnel.

It wasn't enough for Xiaojun to avoid stumbling while walking on the uneven rocks but it was enough for him (by squinting as hard as he can) to know that there are many paths that they need to explore to get out of the tunnel.

Though, even if they did manage to get out of the tunnel, Xiaojun didn't know whether that counted as completing the Games or not because the instructions itself was vague as hell.

Survive and don't kill each other?

They're better off not giving any instructions at all. It's not like they can do anything other than survive and even though it's kind of reassuring in a sick way that he won't be killed by any other tributes or by his own teammates, but that doesn't erase the possibility that he might die from any other methods especially in such a dark tunnel.

However, Bambam did say something about the sponsored tributes receiving items to their advantage in the Games. Xiaojun was about to ask Doyeon but Hendery beat him to it.

"Doyeon, what item did you receive from your sponsor?" He asked.

None of them continued walking. A moment of silence passed before she answered.

"Mine probably the least useful among them." Then, she released a heavy sigh.

"Alright but what is it?" Hendery asked again, eager to know.

"Fishing nets." Said Doyeon.

"What?! You're not joking, right? ... Ouch, Stop pinching me. You're really not joking. Merlin's pants!! What can we do with fishing nets?" Xiaojun sensed Hendery's heavy stares on him so he immediately answered, "I don't know. Don't ask me."

"Fishing maybe but that means we have to get out of this tunnel nonetheless. There's no water source in here." Yangyang said. Xiaojun agreed with him. He started feeling thirsty too but chose to keep silent as he doesn't want to appear bratty to his teammates.

Doyeon struggled to get up from her sitting position by putting her hand on the wall. Xiaojun could tell from the echoing sounds of her rumbling footsteps. Before any of them came to her, suddenly she let out a loud scream of pain.

Xiaojun immediately got up with Yangyang and Hendery whose sitting next to him to reach Doyeon. They were forced to rely on their hearing alone to gauge where she is.

"My hand! It stings so bad! Gosh, I can't even see." Doyeon shouted in pain. Xiaojun knew it all too well when she said it stings. It must be bleeding.

"Doyeon, you have to stay still, okay. I need to grab your hand and I will put pressure on it to stop its bleeding. Don't worry." Xiaojun tried using the usual tone that he used when he is treating his patients on Doyeon so that she will stop freaking out.

He had handled bleeding cuts and wounds for years before so he was pretty confident handling it but never in the dark.

Once Xiaojun finally managed to hold Doyeon's hand and asked Yangyang and Hendery to search for any possible light source, Xiaojun started opening his tracksuit.

None of them has handkerchief or any kind of clothes with them so as the proverb says, desperate times calls for desperate measures, Xiaojun decided to try to cut off the sleeve of his tracksuit. Without any knife or scissors in hand, it was quite tough to rip off his cloth so Xiaojun used his teeth instead.

Thankfully, it works. Xiaojun made a mental note to check his teeth for any possible damage right after.

"I found a place. Lights not that great but I think it was quite okay compared to the rest of the area." Xiaojun hummed in agreement and asked Yangyang to help him carry Doyeon to the place suggested by Hendery.

Xiaojun deduced from the light coming from the hole that it was noon light. Xiaojun hoped that they could get out from the tunnel before dark.

When he could finally see the wound on Doyeon's hand, he nearly gasped in surprise but quickly covered his mouth, to avoid Doyeon who had her eyes closed in pain, from hearing it. Xiaojun signalled to Hendery and Yangyang who were also shocked, to not make a sound.

As a doctor, he has to remain calm in front of his patients and even though it is quite an unconventional setting, Doyeon isstill his patient.

Truthfully, Xiaojun expected a clean cut, incision that younormally get after accidentally cutting yourself with kitchen knife or broken glassbut that is not the case.

It is a laceration wound. Xiaojun confirmed from the torn skin and its jagged edges to which often caused by dull knives ormachinery. This wound is prone to infection, that's why it was bad news especially when they had yet found a water source to clean the wound.

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