Ch 13: The Very First Game Part 4

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Xiaojun and Doyeon walked out cautiously of the door. A long time must have passed since it had turned dawn outside.

It was the same field as they were in the morning. Xiaojun heaved a sigh, slightly relieved that he no longer trapped in the tunnel but the feeling of worry of his two teammates whose whereabout was still unknown causing the relief to be short-lived.

Xiaojun turned to Doyeon who was pacing back and forth near him and immediately followed her steps. She seemed to have forgotten the pain of her injured hand as she was searching anxiously for any sign of Yangyang and Hendery.

They spent a substantial amount of time walking forward that the field in no longer plain field but filled with trees but they had yet to encounter any sign of human being other than themselves.

Feeling helpless and slight fear of being in the open without any weapon, Xiaojun contemplated on asking Doyeon to go back to the tunnel to continue their search in there instead but he hesitated after another thought of how dark and fruitless it would be to search in the tunnel without any light source to help them.

"We need wood to make fire." Doyeon said, answering the question Xiaojun had in his head almost as if she could read his mind. Xiaojun who was caught off guard, only nodded briefly in response.

Right after, their eyes immediately drifted to search for any usable wood for them to start a fire. It didn't take long for them to go on separate ways, Xiaojun on the right while Doyeon on the left, when both are too focused on finding the wood but Xiaojun quickly dismissed his worry when Doyeon answered him when he called her out just to be sure.

"We need to find the wood before it's completely dark. Gosh, why is the woods that I found is either wet or unusable. Ugh." Doyeon complained to herself though in a loud voice that even Xiaojun who was several metres away from her could hear her.

She was trying to fend off the fear that she felt by assuring herself that Xiaojun is nearby. It's a bit ironic considering that she was the only sponsored trainee in their team and yet she was the one being helped out more and if it wasn't for her, they wouldn't be separated.

That's why Doyeon ignored Xiaojun's clear pointed instruction not to use her injured hand to search for the woods but it's quite impossible to follow anyway considering that her injured hand is her dominant hand. It stings a lot but Doyeon gritted her teeth and continued searching for the right one.

Xiaojun was struggling to pull off a branch of a tree when he could feel someone walked past him from the sound of rustling clothes against the wind and the slow footsteps.

Shook, Xiaojun immediately froze on the spot. As a result, he failed to catch the sight of the person as he was engrossed in his quest so for all he knows, that person could be another tribute or a creature he did not wish to address.

Xiaojun contemplated again in his mind whether it is wiser to alert Doyeon or to be a man and go investigate it by himself. Who knows what danger might have fallen onto him and even though he did not wish to be known as a gentleman, he did not want to worry Doyeon when they are in the state of anxiety while searching for their two teammates.

Ugh, Damn it. He's going to search for that person, whoever it is.

"I'm going that way. Don't search for me unless I didn't return for too long. Got it?" Xiaojun told Doyeon with creased eyebrows. He definitely wasn't asking because it's obvious that Doyeon will disagree if he did.

"Are you crazy? Nope. We're going together or not at all." Doyeon replied, her face red in dissatisfaction.

"I knew there's someone over there and it might be dangerous. At least one person should keep watch in case anything happens." Xiaojun refuted in distress. He was too used being alone and handling things on his own thus explaining himself to Doyeon right now felt like a foreign concept and a bit burdensome to him.

"You know it's dangerous yet you want to go alone? Bitch, if there's a better fighter, it will be me. Lead the way!" Doyeon said harshly, glaring menacingly towards Xiaojun.

He shuddered a little while stealing a glance at Doyeon, hoping that she will change her mind and let him go alone instead but her expression remained stony. No hope then.

They walked and walked until they found a faint light right ahead of them and a silhouette of a woman with long ponytail. It was hard to see in the dark but Doyeon who seemed to possess eagle like eyes, whispered to him that that woman is wearing the Games tracksuit so she must be another tribute.

However, they did not dare to come to her so they settled on watching her from behind the trees nearby instead. She seemed to not notice that she was being watched at all.

Despite the rule of the Games clearly providing that they are not to kill each other, the tributes are still wary of each other. After witnessing the long traditions of omegas killing each other to win the Games, it's hard to change their minds that this time around, they don't have to kill each other anymore.

It was very silent to the point that Doyeon could hear her own heart beating fast while Xiaojun struggled not to make a sound while swatting mosquitos away from his exposed arm. Doyeon was a bit annoyed as Xiaojun nearly smacked her face with his flailing arms but he did tear his sleeves to wrap her injured hand, so she settled into helping him swatting the mosquitos away.

"Can I come with you?"

Xiaojun and Doyeon froze. Is she with someone? They squinted harder to see if there is any other person there but there was none. Xiaojun whispered to Doyeon that he is going to approach her alone and Doyeon were to keep watching them from behind. Doyeon nodded albeit reluctantly.

Xiaojun intentionally stomped his foot a bit to make his presence known to the female tribute but she didn't take notice at all. It is as if she is purposefully ignoring him.

She still had her back facing Xiaojun and kept whispering words that Xiaojun could hardly hear. He should feel creeped out by now but his curiosity got him walking forward to see who she is really talking to.

He nearly screamed in shock if he hadn't had his hand covering his mouth when he finally looked down.

The female tribute is actually standing at the edge of a cliff. Down below, all he could see was  sharp rocks, no river in sight and Xiaojun was convinced that if he were to fall from this height, there was no doubt that death will be the result.

Xiaojun turned to face the female tribute who he remembered to be the same tribute who encouraged Solar to join her team instead of Xiaojun. Too bad, he still couldn't remember her name. (He tends to forget things that he thinks won't matter, that's why)

However, her identity was the least of his concern as she appeared nonchalant of Xiaojun's presence. She only spare him a glance and continued speaking into nothingness.

As a normal person, Xiaojun felt creeped out for real this time. Her eyes looked empty when she glanced at him and her face void of all emotions.

She looked at a distance and despite his initial fear, Xiaojun took a deep breath and turned to observe carefully to find whoever it is she is talking to, all the while ignoring the nagging voice inside his head that it is going to lead to bad consequences.

Cliff edge:

Author's notesWhat or who do you guys think Xiaojun will see in the next chapter? Hehe it's going to be hard to guess, isn't it? I really love Xiaojun and Doyeon's interaction here even tho there were no known interaction between them irl, both of...

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Author's notes
What or who do you guys think Xiaojun will see in the next chapter? Hehe it's going to be hard to guess, isn't it? I really love Xiaojun and Doyeon's interaction here even tho there were no known interaction between them irl, both of them slowly making friends with each other is so cute. You must have missed Yangyang and Hendery so don't worry, there will be them in the next chapter. As per usual, please vote if you like this chapter and drop a comment cuz I luv reading comments hehe. Till the next chap, goodbye and have a nice day! :)

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