Ch 15: No Heat & Run In This Games

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Xiaojun's face whenever someone mentioned his two big enemies, Capital City & Neozone Kingdom

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Xiaojun's face whenever someone mentioned his two big enemies, Capital City & Neozone Kingdom

C H A P T E R 1 5

"It's so weird not having to deal with heat for first time but it wasn't a bad weird, more like a really good weird." Yangyang babbled with his mouth full of apple pie. He ate ravenously as if the food will disappear from the table anytime.

Hendery had warned him before that he might choke himself but Yangyang didn't bother to stop till he suddenly choked loudly with his eyes rolled back, gaining the attention of other tributes who were previously chatting among themselves, much to Xiaojun's dismay.

Hendery looked at Yangyang with the word disgust written all over his face but he still helped him by patting his back to soothe his choke. Friendship goals right there.

Doyeon passed a glass of water to Yangyang to which he took gratefully and immediately gulped down the water. Xiaojun?

He simply continued eating with a sigh. He was actually hoping for a nice peaceful breakfast so he had purposefully avoided all the other tributes and sat at the table at the very back of the cafeteria.

However, the trios that were in front of him noticed him as soon as they got into the cafeteria despite Xiaojun's futile attempt to be invicible and started making their way to his table. Boom, there goes his plan to have a morning in peace.

It felt like having the two nuisances, Moonbyul and Jaemin back in his life except this time, make it three people. Except for Doyeon though. She acted very normally.

When Yangyang finally could take a breath without choking, he continued talking or complaining to be more accurate, while eating thankfully, significantly slower than before.

Xiaojun wondered how he recovered from his choking that quick but then again, happy people just heals faster.

"You see, my cousin was really annoyed with me when I presented as an omega and she presented as a beta. I mean, is there even anything to be jealous of?" Yangyang stopped his words dramatically and looked at each of them for response.

They shook their head automatically. They are all omegas and of course, are very familiar with the hardships of an omega including being selected as one of the tributes in the Games.

"She's a beta. No heats. No weird alpha trying to get into your pants. No stomach cramps. If it's possible, I will trade ranks with her willingly any time she wants. Haven't she realized how being a beta is like a gift of freedom and independence? She even clapped when I was announced to be the tribute for this Games. She's too happy to let me die. That skunk."

Yangyang swallowed his rice balls angrily. Hendery sighed loudly, deep in his own thought of moments where he regretted being an omega. Xiaojun, on the other hand, simply wondered whether Yangyang's pause means he had finished talking or he's just taking his breath.

It wasn't news to him that there are betas or even alphas who wanted to become an omega. Some people are just ungrateful and that's the only plausible explanation he could think. His mind is occupied with something else though.

Yangyang continued talking.

"If I can really choose, I want to be an alpha. Alpha can do anything they wants. This no-heat thing, it could be the only good thing in the Games."

Hendery and Doyeon nodded in agreement but Xiaojun slowly descend into the state of confusion but before he got a chance to ask, Doyeon added. "Other than meeting you guys, of course"

She smiled shyly afterwards which contrasts heavily with the usual tough look she tried to adopt on daily basis. As if on cue, Hendery and  Yangyang cheered aye to Doyeon and laughed. Xiaojun couldn't help but smile.

Even though they might disturbed his morning peace, their presence does make him feel better about being in the Games. This might be a blessing in disguise, he guesses.

"Wait. The no-heat thing??? What do you mean by that?" Xiaojun asked while eating his toast.

It was Yangyang, Doyeon and Hendery's turn to get confused.

"We don't have heats, that's what it means. Hyung, you're scaring me. You don't know this." Hendery said, his eyebrows creased in concern. The other also had the same expression but with less concern but more like 'what is wrong with this guy again'. Nevertheless, Xiaojun continued to ask.

"How did you guys don't get heats? You use suppressants?" Xiaojun asked again. He genuinely wanted to know. His heat wasn't due soon but if there is a way to stop it from coming, he would do it. He wasn't fond of heats because of its obvious reasons but he wasn't fond suppressants either due to its side effects towards his health. What a sad life.

"You didn't get injected before you came here?" Doyeon answered Xiaojun's question with a question. Xiaojun was puzzled. Is he supposed to get injected before he came to the Capital City and Neozone Kingdom?

"I'm pretty sure everyone got injected before they came but don't ask what they injected us because I don't know. No one really knows but what we do know is that it will cover our scents and stop omegas from getting heats." Doyeon explained. Yangyang and Hendery nodded along. 

With his lips pursed in concentration, Xiaojun digested the new information slowly. He's familiar with suppressant to stop heats from his medical studies but to also cover scents? He had never heard of it but then again, he wasn't an expert in this area. That explained why he couldn't smell other tributes scents ever since he came here. It is crucial for the purpose of the Games because omegaxomega relationship was common back in their Cities.

The Games was invented for omega tributes to mate with alphas from the Capital City as well as the Neozone Kingdom. If the tributes chose to mate with each other instead, that would be bad for these alphas because they need omegas to breed their offsprings. The more Xiaojun ponder about it, the more he felt vomiting. Omegas has been treated like trade objects not humans with feelings.

"How did you not know, hyung? It was very painful." Yangyang raised his eyebrows at Xiaojun. He almost burst into tears when he got injected if not for Rosé comforting him like back when he was a kid. Even though she looked softer and act kinder than him, Rosé had always been the braver one between them. Yangyang's glad that he at least got a family member with him in the Games.

"I passed out when I came here. That could be why." Xiaojun replied. They accepted his reason with a nod and quickly moved on to other topic, what they will encounter for their Second Games. Xiaojun tried to engage with their conversation but his mind kept wandering somewhere else.

There are many things that he found in Capital City and Neozone Kingdon that wasn't heard of back in their Cities. From the walls building up on its own to the unknown substance injected into their body to stop heats and cover scents, Xiaojun couldn't help feeling anxious of not knowing what his two enemies are truly capable of. That could be the reason why his father's rebel plan failed. 

The basic idea he had in his mind was still vague. He only heard of geniuses from his City and other Cities were taken away from school to work for Capital City and Neozone Kingdom but what became of them? It's a mystery other than the obvious fact that they must be working on something big.

He has to find out more especially about the Kingdom. They seemed more powerful than what they always claimed to be. As for now, all Xiaojun could do is to wait and see.

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