Ch 8: The Hot Briefing

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First of all, I have to say sorry for the long wait if you guys are waiting for the update. I have to make a lot of brain storming to actually write this chapter so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please drop a comment or vote so that we can know each other hehe. There will be a special additional character in this chapter, I guarantee that y'all be pleased. Trust me. Happy reading!!! :)

Xiaojun was deep in his sleep before he was rudely awakened by Bambam slapping his thigh repeatedly. Xiaojun was about to scold Bambam but he was interrupted by the beta who had hosted their opening ceremony just now, started talking to the microphone.

"You guys must have been tired but unfortunately we still have briefing left which will be done shortly by the Official Secretary of the Neozone Kingdom, Lord Jung Jaehyun and right after that, I will announce the lists of tributes that managed to get a sponsor. Pray hard that you are one of them because it has been a tradition that sponsored tributes will receive huge advantage in the Games and this applies to this year's Games as well. As for now, we'll wait for the arrival for Lord Jaehyun."

Right after the host Leeteuk finished his words, the hall instantly filled with loud chatters from the tributes with their trainers. Some are excited, some are anticipating, some asking their trainer whether they did well or not, everyone except for Xiaojun and Solar. Neither of them bothered to say a word as their trainer, Bambam had beat them to it.

"As your trainer, for formality's sake, good job ..." Bambam pausing a bit, visibly checking Xiaojun and Solar's expression. Solar nodded permitting Bambam to continue while Xiaojun shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't matter to him anyway. He only listened because it will be rude not to.

"But I'll have to give you the harsh truth. As a previous sponsored tribute of the Games, let's not fool ourselves. It's too obvious that we're not getting any sponsors. Not your fault though. It's not like you prepare for this or anything and one of you is not even trying." Bambam gave stink eye to Xiaojun to which Xiaojun pointedly ignore. It's a whole different story with Solar though.

She's visibly upset from her tight lipped smile. Xiaojun noticed Solar's upset but he pretended he didn't. It's only the start though. She has the rest of the Games to prove herself to be the winner.

It's just unfortunate for her that in the first interview, they were together as a team from the same City. Bambam sighed quietly. They did not have to be wise to know that no sponsors from Capital City would risk sponsoring tributes from the City who started the rebellion much less to vote for the son of the late rebel leader himself. 

Suddenly, the sound of loud chatters from the tributes died down leaving the only sound in the hall to be the sound of someone's powerful steps. All eyes were following the steps of this dashing alpha clad in a black and gold suit until he arrived on the podium prepared for him.  

"I'm Lord Jung Jaehyun, the Official Secretary of the NeoZone Kingdom

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"I'm Lord Jung Jaehyun, the Official Secretary of the NeoZone Kingdom. Before I start, welcome to the 50th Finding the Ultimate Omega Games." As soon Lord Jaehyun finished his words, thunderous claps filled the whole hall. Almost all tributes had a big smile on their face, clearly pleased to finally meeting the man rumoured to have incredible looks and turned out Jaehyun does possess incredible looks. Despite having pale white skin and dimpled cheeks which normally associated to soft looks, Lord Jaehyun bizarrely managed to look hotter than the sun.

Bambam, like most of the tributes didn't bother to hide their drool at the sight of Lord Jaehyun's manly chest through the revealing suit. Bambam sincerely hoped whoever designer who designed and gave such style to Lord Jaehyun would get a huge raise after this. Leeteuk, on the other hand, smiled sadly. Isn't it too much to let him on stage after Lord Jaehyun? Leeteuk suspected that it is some sort of plot to destroy his self confidence and if yes, it's working really well.

Lord Jaehyun continued his speech despite intense staring of admiration from the crowd in front of him. In the exterior, he looked nonchalant but deep inside, he was smirking, totally aware of his effect on omegas. He had had a fair share of omegas in his life who turned completely whipped for him so he was well aware that it's impossible for omegas to resist his charms, That's why he got away easily with taking advantage over omegas and ditching them right after they started getting attached to him.

Like Lucas, Jaehyun has no intention of having serious relationship with anyone but he's more lucky, obviously  because unlike the Prince, he wasn't forced to settle down. If not for Lucas expressly banning him from flirting and even talking with the tributes of this year's Games, Jaehyun would already have an omega ready to be in bed with him tonight.

Jaehyun started his briefing. Finally, he got to read a new script instead of the very same script he had been reading off for the past 5 years, ever since he got selected as the Official Secretary. It is because the Games is different this time. No more violence, hopefully no more deaths and the way to win is no longer by killing other tributes and surviving until the end of  the Games.

Jaehyun shook his head in disgust. What's the fun of watching the Games then if the omegas in it no longer has to suffer? It's like asking skydiving enthusiast to ride merry-go-round. If not because of that crazy omega, they did not have to change the rules of the Games. What a disgrace! He had not a doubt in his mind that the Games would be dubbed 'No Jams' by the Capital City citizens after this.

For this year's Games, the winner is no longer decided from who managed to survive till the end. Apparently, it causes life-long trauma and they don't want such omega to be giving birth to the future heir of the royal family. So, the winner for the Games this time will be decided through votes.

For each game, there will be winners, survivors and losers. The winners does not have to participate in the next game. The survivors still has to participate while the losers will be eliminated from the Games. However, the losers can escape from getting eliminated if they receive votes amounted to 70% and above.

Jaehyun paused a bit to take a sip of water. Almost all omegas in front of him had a puzzled look on their faces. He chuckled. He had the very same expression when he was told of the rules. Why the hell would be the royal family who had absolute monarchy over the country suddenly wanted voting system in the Games?

The voting goes like this:
30% Royalties of Neozone Kingdom
25% Capital City Citizens
45% All 9 Cities Combined

Sounds like a good deal, isn't it? The Cities finally can make some effort to make sure their tributes stay in the Games but it wasn't the case. Xiaojun sighed. It may sounds plausible to ordinary citizens if they don't think twice about it as in reality, it is almost impossible to execute.

To calculate, 45% divided into 9 cities means each City can only contribute 5% of the votes but their tribute needs  another 65% votes to actually stay in the Games. Let's say the Royalties and Capital City Citizens actually voted fully for that tribute (which was very unlikely because why would they?), the combined votes will totalled up to 60% only, still short of 10%. With divisive society the Cities people are living in currently, the chances of another City to vote for tributes other than their own are close to none. Basically, the voting thing is as pointless as carrying water to the sea. This rule is simply made to not work out.

Xiaojun sighed with his arms crossed. Only fools would be persuaded into this and think that the Capital City is actually thinking of the tributes while making this rule. They would be better off trying to convince a scientist that the moon is made of green cheese than this.

"Bambam, does that mean if I lose the Games, all I have to do is to gain the votes, right?" Solar turned towards Bambam to which he responded with a nod, an unsure nod to be exact from his frown after that but of course, it goes unnoticed by the naive Solar.

"No problem, then." Solar shrugged her shoulders with ease until she noticed Xiaojun's intense stare on her.

"Why? Is there something on my face?" Solar raised her eyebrow at Xiaojun. Xiaojun shrugged and sighed deeply. He's a bit disappointed but not surprised. It must be nice if he is to be as wonderfully clueless as her at this time. Too bad, for his conscience, he preferred the pain of knowing rather than the bliss of ignorance.

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