Chapter One - The Word Physics in Eight Different Languages

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A/N: the full title is "My New Physics Teacher Says the Word Physics in Eight Different Languages" but it won't fit. stupid eighty characters limit.

Freddie's POV. 

I'd had another nightmare.

Now I know you're probably thinking it was a normal nightmare, like zombies. Or mummies. Or vampires. Or goblins and ghouls. Maybe something strange like centaurs or the Loch Ness monster! My mum met the Loch Ness monster once... Ness is very real. Trust me.

A typical nightmare for a child to have is usually of evil creatures trying to eat them or take over the universe. But not me. No. I have very different nightmares. About politics. And war. And politics. And pepper pots, and did I mention the politics? I mean really! Can you imagine? Me? I can't stand politics. I prefer sciencey stuff. And mathematics. Physics and maths. Maths and physics. My favorite classes.

The main thing I try to forget about the nightmares is the screaming. There's always people screaming. What's worse is they sound like children and for some reason, I feel like I failed to save them.

"Fred?" Mum hollered at me from down stairs. "Fred, get up."

I sighed as I sank back into my pillows. All I wanted to do was sleep.

"Freddie, get up!" Great. She used my full first name. The stairs creaked as mum made her way to the landing.

I groaned, pulling my covers over my head. Did she really expect me to go to school? I mean seriously! I had been with my cousin yesterday and yesterday had been a very long day. That, and I'd been forced to do paperwork. That's right. You heard me correctly. Paperwork! Why is it that one has to fill out pointless pieces of paper after they help save the world from psychotic potatoes with legs? I don't think I'll ever learn the answer to that question.

"According to this you have double physics this morning." I jumped as mum read the schedule I had pinned to the bulletin board. I didn't hear her come in. She must have activated stealth mode.

I should probably explain now. You see, my mum is a journalist. Sneaking into places you're not supposed to comes with the job, as well as getting caught and protecting the world from invading aliens, but the alien bit usually happens during the night shift. Another reason she shouldn't expect me to wake up at a normal time. My sleep schedule was out of whack. Who am I kidding? I don't even have a sleep schedule.

"I also got an email yesterday saying you have a new physics teacher." That got my attention.

I threw myself out of bed, only to fall over. Stupid feet always getting tangled in blankets. I got up, made my way to the bathroom across the hall and got ready.

"How's Kate doing?" Mum stood in the doorway. I gave her a thumbs up, making a face at the flavored toothpaste.

"Did you see uncle Al?" Uncle Al, who's full name was Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, used to work with mum in the old days. Back then she knew him as the Brigadier. To me, he'd always been uncle Al.

"Mowh. Bay bibs sim boff bo Horu avam." Mum raised an eyebrow at me in the mirror. Never try talking with spearmint toothpaste in your mouth. It does not taste good. It's disgusting. And so are pears. I spat it out. "No. They shipped him off to Peru again."


I nodded. "Kate thinks they're trying to keep him out of the office."

"You mean the tower of London?" I could hear the laughter in mums voice.

I shrugged, going back into my room. "Same thing." Mum laughed at that.


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