Chapter 10 Entry 1

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"What are you and your family doing in my world?"

    The atmosphere in the room was tense and a heavy silence lay between me and the albino.

    The silence is finally broken with Subaru's loud reply. "Ha?! We were born here idiot. We've barely spent any time in the other world."

    I inwardly sigh. Guess I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. I shake my head and look him right in the eyes and clarify what I meant. "I meant what is your family doing in my universe"

    I see the shock on his face as he tries to process what I asked. "Dude, you're like over 100 years old? Haven't you watched any movies or read any sci-fi stuff?"

    My question seems to flip a switch in him. "What the hell does that gotta do with this?!"

Deciding that this was gonna take a while I take a seat on the ground.

"Well haven't you ever seen the movies where people cross dimensions only to find they and people they know exist there? You know like a parallel universe or something like that." I say while trying my best to explain.

Subaru takes some time to ponder over my words. Meanwhile, I grab my phone from my pocket. I type in the search Diabolik lovers and pull up a picture of the first game.

"So you're saying we exist here in this universe and you know us already?" He asks.

I shrug. "Well yes and no. You guys do exist but not as actual people." I say while passing him my phone.

    He stares at the picture for a while before looking at me with a frustrated expression. "The fuck is this picture. Why are there pictures of us online?!"

    I motion for him to give me my phone back. "Well in this world you guys exist as a Japanese otome game. You know the visual novels where the player romances with the characters and gos down different routes."

    Subarus' face explodes into a bright red. "W- w- w- what?! S- s- so are you saying you've played these games?!"

    I shake my head. "No I just watched the anime based on them and may I say it was trash. I mean it sucks like I'm sorry dude they did you guys dirty. Tho I've heard the games are good you guys are pretty popular with the ladies."

    Subaru seems to be having a hard time processing this as he puts his face in his hands.

    "Since I can't speak Japanese I've had to do some extreme googling on y'all over the past few weeks. May I say you guys got a shit dad and some messed up pasts."

    He immediately looks up. "How do you-"

    I cut him off. "Dude, your whole lives are online and thanks to your big following the info is pretty easy to find. I know all of yalls past, interesting facts, and some embarrassing stories."

    Subaru stands up from his seat on his coffin. "You googled us?! Then why the hell are you so persistent in hanging around my brothers and me. You must know that we're all monsters and would kill you without a second thought." 

    I roll my eyes. "There it is your famous 'i'm a monster' phrase. Ok hun you're gonna need to listen and listen carefully. None of you guys are monsters, just some shit brats who need to grow up."

    Subaru gets pissed off and hits the wall behind him. "The hell you know nothing!"

    I flinch at his actions and his yelling before getting up.

    "I may not understand you guys perfectly but I know a lot more than the average person knows about your family. It's true though, I've seen it, you all are capable of experiencing human emotions you just choose to separate yourself from humans! I don't know if it's out of fear or if you all just see us as below your kind! Either way, you can't tell me you're happy watching us humans enjoy our lives with each other while you just sulk in an old mansion with your brothers!" I'm out of breath by the end of my yelling.

    Subaru looks at a loss for what to say. Deciding that I probably won't get the answers I was looking for tonight I leave his room.

    I quickly make my way to my own room and immediately grab some notebook paper and a pen and get to work.

Entry 1.

    If you are unlucky enough to come across the moody creatures known as vampires this is the guide for you. Vampires are extremely prideful creatures. They surpass humans in strength, agility, and ability. With all that being said, they do not always surpass humans in intellect. Vampires have the benefit of living for eternity thus they have an infinite time to learn. That being said not all choose to do so. As said before their kind is extremely prideful. If not believing that they are above humanity then they may just believe that associating with humans is impossible.

Now while you could attempt trickery, running, or perhaps just give up. There does exist a better option. These creatures are not incapable of human speech nor are they emotionless. Treat them like another human and converse with them and for a short while they may decide to keep you around.

The problem is what comes after this? Earn their trust and drive a stake through their heart when they least expect it? No. Instead, perhaps it would be better to develop a friendship with said vampire or vampires. It is far less life-dangering and far more entertaining for both parties.

Entry 1 complete to be continued in Entry 2.

I place my pen down and stand up to stretch. After that, I head over to the lavish bed and collapse. I allow myself to drift off to the world of dreams.


AN: Chapter 10 at least! To be honest I never thought I would continue this fic or that it would get as popular as its become. With that being said I wanna thank you guys for 100+ votes and 1.7K views! Not only that but I'm also super grateful to everyone who chooses to comment on chapters. I can't begin to describe how happy I feel reading your guy's comments and reactions to certain parts of the story. Now as we've reached chapter 10 I hope you guys continue to stick around and enjoy because trust me it's gonna be one heck of a ride. This fic is nowhere near done or halfway. ;)

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