Chapter 16 Teddy Rescue

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After receiving confirmation from Ayato I continue to stare at the giraffe. Eventually, it dawns on me.

"So if Tedy is there," I say while pointing at the stuffed animal in the giraffe's mouth. "Where is Kanato?"

Reiji who had been dead silent the entire time finally speaks up. "I believe he is at the bottom of the Giraffe enclosure.

I look at him shocked and ask. "How do you know?"

He replies, "I can hear him screaming."

The pale silent expressions from Ayato and Laito confirm Reji's words.

I shake my head and let out a sigh and walk over to the crowd. After shoving my way through I reach the railing of the platform and examine the situation. In front of me is a giraffe's face with a Teddy bear hanging out its mouth. Below the floor of the exhibit was Kanato covered in dirt and screaming any and all profanities he knew.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled. "Kanato calm down, I'm going to get Teddy back for you, give me a few seconds."

Kanato rolled his eyes and I could tell he was about to yell something at me but before he did I walked away. After leaving the crowd I walked over to the three brothers who were standing off to the side.

"Yo, give me two quarters,"I said while putting my hand out for the money.

Ayato reached into his pockets and handed me the money.

After that, I scanned the area. After finding what I needed I walked over to it.

Ayato, who was following me, asked. "What are you going to do?"

I inserted the quarters into the machine and grabbed a paper cup and held it below the opening while turning the notch.

"I'm going to feed the giraffes."

Ayato gave me a questionable look but said nothing more and just observed.

After getting the giraffe treats from the machine I walked back to the enclosure. I pushed my way through the people and held the cup out to the giraffe holding Teddy. It approaches me with its long neck. When its finally close enough to eat the treats I reach out and grab Teddy from its mouth. It gives up the stuffed animal without much of a fight and greedily eats the whole cup of treats.

It was pretty much smooth sailing from there.

"Kanato! Look what I have!" I yelled down while holding Teddy in the air.

The violet-haired child gave me an angry look and yelled. "Give Teddy back this instant you pathetic human!"

My right eye twitched a bit after hearing this. Seriously, after all, that he's not even grateful. Well, if he wasn't going to be grateful that's okay.

I looked down at him and smirked. "Catch me if you can, you pathetic mosquito!"

With that, I take off running with four mosquitoes following me and one particular one about to murder me. My destination? The food court to find the 5th sleeping mosquito.  


An: Thank you all for 10K views and 500 votes! I never thought this fic would actually attract attention but I'm glad that you guys are enjoying the story. I know the chapters short but I can to get something out. Finals week is finally upon me and after this, I'll finally be free and hopefully back to my every two-week updates. Please Vote, comment, and add to your libarys. 

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