Chapter 25 The Trial

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The fateful day of the trial had finally arrived. Currently, I and Yui were making the finishing touches to the room it would be held in. We had dragged multiple chairs and sofas from around the house and had even brought some of those plastic foldable tables.

After we deemed it somewhat court-like we went off to collect the brothers. Yui went off to grab Ayato and Subaru. Meanwhile, I was blessed with the task of rounding up Kanato, Shu, and Laito.

Shu turned out relatively easy to snag after I told him there was a comfy couch with his name on it in the trial room. Laito on the other hand was a bit of a struggle but we made a deal that he could take me to buy clothes again to fix my mess. Now with the help of Laito I somehow managed to get Kanato to join us. While the man is a mega pervert and horny 24/7 he can be useful sometimes when it comes to his brothers.

All the Sakamki's were now seated in the room and it was 3:50 PM. I let You know I was going to the front door to greet the guests who would be arriving. The blond nodded at me in acknowledgment and busied herself with getting out papers together.

I ran to the front door and then kinda just stood there and waited. After a minute or so I finally heard a knock. I swung the door open immediately to greet them with a smile.

"I see you guys made it on time," I said while letting them in.

Kou winked at me. "Anything for you Neko~Chan."

I rolled my eyes while leading them to the room where we would hold the trial. "Says the guy who didn't care when the Sakamki's snatched me."

I heard Yuma laugh at this. "Would you rather stay with us pipsqueak?"

I stopped at the doors leading into the room and turned to look Yuma dead in the eyes. "No way in hell. Why would I stay with someone who probably makes love to his garden?"

This ticked Yuma off and earned a laugh from Kou.

Yuma was about to probably yell at me but before he could I pushed the doors open and ushered them into the room. There was a brief pause as the Sakamki's stood up from their chairs to stare at the Mukami's. After they all held that lovely romantic long stare they broke off eye contact and the Mukami's took their seats.

A weird silence settled in the room but I could care less. I took my seat next to Yui and checked my watch for the time. It was now 3:59 and all that was missing was our judge. Right as the hour turned I heard the doors open. Looking up I was met with golden eyes and a mischievous smirk.

While I was prepared and just looked back down at my papers the others were in complete shock.

"What are you doing here?!" Ayato yelled.

Karl pouted and walked over to the seat that was obviously meant for him in the front of the room. The man calmly took his seat and then addressed his son. "Well, this is my house, and Miss. (L/N) here invited me to participate as a judge for today's trial."

"I'm surprised you know how to contact our father Ms. (L/N)," Reiji said while pushing his glasses.

I smiled and shrugged in response to Reiji before turning to address Karlheinz. "There's a small cup in front of you with papers folded, you'll need to pick four randomly from there."

Karlheinz grabbed the cup and shook it a bit before randomly selecting four folded papers.

He then unfolded them and started to announce the names written on them, "Azusa, Shu, Kanato, and Subaru."

I clapped my hands once and then pointed to our jury section, "Great, now you four can go over there and you'll be our jury. Oh, and Shu, you actually have to stay awake and pay attention."

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