Chapter 19 Isekai

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Darkness was all I saw around me. What I felt was a feeling of falling with no end in sight. That was at least until I saw light and a new portal opening beneath me. It was at this point that my fight or flight instincts kicked in. But seeing as there was nothing to fight and I already seemed to be as close to flight as humanly possible, all I had left was my voice. So I screamed bloody murder for the rest of my descent.

Even when I fell through the new portal I continued my bloody scream as I continued to fall. I crashed through several tree branches before eventually falling to the ground. The wind was knocked out of me when I made  impact and my screaming ceased. All I could do was lay on the ground in pain.

When I finally felt like I could move I slowly eased myself up. I checked to make sure all my limbs were intact and in order and by some miracle they were. After that, I reached into my back pocket to check for my phone. Upon reaching I remembered that my stupid pants had fake pockets and because of that reason I had left my phone in my room. I curse under my breath and groan.

After letting out my string of cures for now I decide to get a grip and look around. I first notice that I'm in a forest and it appears to be night.

"Well, this is just great," I say to myself as I start to walk in a random direction.

My reasoning is that I'll eventually have to reach a town of some sort. As I start my walk I think about how I even ended up here. I had finally gotten my vita that had cost me a fortune. Yet for some ungodly reason, some random dude decided to shove me into a black hole. Because Of course, my own universe was just dying to get rid of me and shove me onto another.

Eventually, after what feels like an eternity I seem to reach the edge of the woods. I peek out from a tree and notice a giant mansion. Strangely it looks familiar but I can't figure out why. For a second I think it's the Sakamaki's mansion, but then I remember theirs is way more creepier than this. I continue to stare and try and figure out why it's so familiar until I notice a car about to enter the driveway.

Quickly I duck behind a large tree and pear out at the car which turns out to be a giant ass limo. As I watch the owners of the limo step out my heart sinks. Out steps four very familiar faces. Turned out the reason this mansion had looked so familiar wasn't because it was the Sakamaki's but the Mukami's mansion from season two.

No no no fuck no. I tell myself in my head for fear the four brothers would hear if I spoke. It already took me a long while to get on somewhat friendly terms with some of the Sakamaki's in my world. I was not about to do this all over again. Especially not when one was a masochist, another a weird idol sadist, and the third a Reiji 2.0. Heck, the tomato-loving one might be the safest out of the bunch.

I wait for them to enter this home and then wait an extra amount of time after that. When I feel enough time has passed I make a run for it and dash out the woods and out to their driveway. What I'm met with is a long road and no building in sight. I give a long sigh and nearly cry at the sight of it. Even if I were to follow this road the universe would probably still find some way of forcing my meeting with the Mukami's. Or perhaps I was just playing into the hands of the universe now.

After staring at the road for a few more seconds I slowly turn around and trudge back. I end up at the doorstep of the Mukami household. After a few long breaths, I work up the courage to knock. I wait for what feels like forever and some more. I even knock another time but then it occurs to me.

Am I seriously being ignored? Seriously, the one time I willingly want to risk death due to blood loss I'm ignored.

I rub my temples and take deep breaths to calm down. After that, I go to examine my surroundings. And notice that nothing fenced off.

"As they say, persistence is key," I say to myself before walking around the perimeter of the mansion. Eventually, I reach the back and see a large glass window showing what is probably their living room. I walk up to get a closer look and peer through. As soon as I do though I notice a surprised face looking at me from the other side.

I nervously laugh and give a little wave. The other still remains confused but walks away from view. I wait patiently thinking he's gonna come out to talk to me. Only a second after him leaving my view I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump and turn around scared. Standing behind me a green-haired beret-wearing male. Also known as Azusa Mukami.

"Who.....are you?" He asks me with a confused expression.

I pause and take a deep breath and muster up every bit of courage I have left before putting on a bright smile. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm here to conduct a vampire research assignment. Pleased to meet you, Azusa Mukami."

Azusa returns my smile with a look of shock and I continue to beam brightly not saying anything.

This was the beginning of my isekai story being thrown into the Diabolik Lovers dimension. 


AN: Well It's finally come! Azusa Mukami's entrance to the story! I know some of you guys have been dying for him to finally be introduced. I personally as well also love him. I can't wait to see where this fic goes next. Who knows what our main girl with start and what trouble she'll cause the Mukami family. 

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