Forgotten Anniversary?

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A/N: please don't question why I chose that song. I think it somehow fits the one shot.

Third Person;

In less than one week, it will be 3 years since Makoto and Sayaka got married. They both lived great life together in a fancy mansion in Hollywood.

Yes in Hollywood.

They moved there from Japan after Sayaka won Grammy award for her latest album. She was so happy, she cried almost two days nonstop.

Reason they moved there, was because Sayaka was offered to write some song there in one of the biggest studios.

Makoto liked it there too, he got job pretty quickly and they were making a lot of money.

But this time, it got a weird twist. Just listen/read:

Seven days till anniversary:

Makoto's and Sayaka's marriage anniversary was coming.
Sayaka had already prepared a gift for her husband. She was so happy.

She planted a few hints for him about the anniversary so that he won't forget.

But Makoto was acting like he was avoiding all her hints. He acted as if that week, week with their anniversary, was just a normal week without anything to celebrate.

That... Made Sayaka sad.

Her excitement and happiness to actually get up and make music had vanished in no time.

She wanted to tell Makoto, ask him why he's acting that way, remind him their anniversary, but she would just ruin his present for him.

So she did nothing to remind him.

Five days till anniversary :

Five more days and this madness can stop.

By madness, I don't mean their anniversary. I mean the way Makoto is acting.

Of course he knew about the anniversary. How could he forget?

He knew that Sayaka was upset, but he tried to not think about it. He thought about the happiness she'll experience after she receives her gift.

He spent more time in his job or out with his colleagues to not make Sayaka anyhow sadder or more upset.

He read some of her new song lyrics and they were pretty sad. He wasn't happy about it. But he had to keep his cover.

When Sayaka came from work sad or upset or tired, he tried to make it up to her.

He made her a fancy dinner or hot chocolate with a piece of marshmallow. She loves hot chocolate.
Mainly from Makoto. He makes the most perfect hot chocolate she ever dreamed of.

Four days till the anniversary :

Another busy day at work. Sayaka didn't want to go home. She knew already what was waiting there for her.

Happy Makoto who forgot about their anniversary. Don't get her wrong. She loved him and she was glad that he was happy, but the fact that he forgot about their anniversary was truly pain for her.

At the moment, she hated every single piece of happiness her husband brought to home.

She couldn't stand it, so she went out with her friends for a girls-night.

She sent Makoto a message saying why she won't come home until morning.

Makoto was very understanding person and he understood the fact that she needed a break from him and the way he acted.
Plus he had more time to finish preparations for Sayaka's gift.

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