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Sayaka Maizono was in Hollywood, her producer said it would be the best if she stayed and focused on her music there.
She didn't know how to tell her boyfriend, Makoto Naegi, about this, so she waited until she was about to leave.

Just a couple of days before she had to go, Makoto found out.

This caused a big argument between them, but they made up, like they always do.

When leaving, they promised to keep in touch by calling each other.

They kept this promise, but of course there grew a small problem.

On a call a couple of days ago, Sayaka mentioned that a crazy fan stalked her into her hotel, gladly her bodyguards stopped them. She had to change hotels for her own safety and writing songs became difficult for her.

Makoto suggested that she goes home immediately, because he was scared for her.
She refused, because in Hollywood are more things to write about than in Arizona.

They argued over the phone and it looked like they would stay up just arguing.

Luckily Sayaka's producer came in and told her that she's late for her work out.

Sayaka was now sitting at her desk, staring at the blank sheet of paper for what seemed like eternity.

Her garbage can was overfloating with crumbled papers. Around her, were a couple more she didn't throw away along with pens either empty or brand new.

Her inspiration was gone, well, not at all, she knew exactly what she wanted to write about: the stalker or her fight with Makoto; but she didn't know how to write it. She couldn't rhyme a word and once she looked up some words that rhyme to what she began with, it didn't fit and when she tried to sing the verse, it sounded like garbage.

She also haven't got much sleep, she's been staying up late, because she was so behind the schedule. Her new album was almost done, she was missing one single song - this one.

She even took the time to go to psychiatrist, but even he couldn't figure out what's going on. All he said was that she's having writer's block and making up with Makoto might make it easier to pass.

But Sayaka, being the stubborn one in their relationship, didn't want to give up this easily.

"I'm so freaking stupid" she whispered to herself and a fresh tear began rolling down her cheek. Sayaka grabbed a phone and ordered some alcohol to her room.

A couple of minutes later, her alcohol arrived along with some ice-cream as a small attention from the receptionist who picked up and noticed how sad she sounded.

The gesture made Sayaka smile a little. She gave a salty glare to her bodyguards standing next to her door. They looked at her saying really? Whiskey? as if they knew better.

"Don't mind me" Sayaka mumbled and picked up her order. She took it inside of the apartment and poured half a shot into a glass.

"Wait, what am I doing?" she asked herself before gulping down the drink from the glass.

She then continued to drink from the bottle. Between shots the ice-cream from the can began disappearing in Sayaka who just smiled at it.

"My trainer's gonna be soooo mad" she whisper-yelled and began giggling.

Once the ice-cream was gone, her phone rang. She picked up not even checking the name.

"Yeees?" she yelled into the speaker and chuckled.

"Sayaka? Are you drunk?" a voice she haven't heard in a while said.

"Ohhhh! MAKOTOOO, baby... How are you?" she said with a smile. She tried to lean onto the table, but she almost fell. She scratched her elbow and began giggling, "Ouch that hurt"

"Are YOU okay? You rarely drink" Makoto asked genuinely concerned.

"Yesssss I'm fineee"

"Well, I'm calling you just to tell you should open the door" Makoto hung up.

"Waiiiit?! Which ones?!" she yelled into the phone even if her boyfriend hung up already.

So Sayaka went around the apartment opening each door - even those on the closet.

Then once she opened the doors on her apartment, she saw Makoto standing in  front of them, she smiled.

" Makotooooo!" Sayaka squealed.

"Hey Sayaka" Makoto smiled at her and the guards let him in.

"How have you beeeeen?"

"I've been... Lonely without you"

"Me tooooo, I couldn't write a wooord" Sayaka pointed at the garbage can and the desk.



"You should go to sleep babe" Makoto said after a while of silence.


"Sayaka.. You should go"

"Hmph, fineee" Sayaka said and clumsily grabbed her pyjamas. She went into the bathroom to change. After that, him and her laid on the bed and fell asleep really quickly.


The next morning, Sayaka woke up with a strong headache which she explained as the after effects of being drunk - hangover.

She woke up next to Makoto who she remembers falling asleep next to just vaguely. Her arms were shaking when she sat up. She didn't even think about getting up and walking somewhere.

"Sayaka?" the bed sheets ruffled, revealing sleepy brunet with olive green eyes.

"Morning, Makoto" she mumbled and yawned at the end of the sentence. She looked at her boyfriend and smiled tiredly. Her smile disappeared as she spoke, "Listen, I'm so sorry for the argument and that you had to see me drunk"

Makoto smiled and sat up, "It's alright, I forgave you already. It was hard for you"

"Thank you"

"No worries"

Sayaka leaned in and the couple hugged, "I missed you" they said at the same time.

"I think you were right" she said after the hug broke.

"First time hearing this.. About what? " Makoto chuckled.

"That I should go back to Arizona"


"No, I don't care. I'm going back. I'll just finish this one song, that will be a quickie"

Makoto nodded, filled with ecstasy, and watched Sayaka sit down at the table. She began writing and about two hours later, she showed him the song.

"That's great! I'm really proud of you" Makoto said and looked up at Sayaka.

"Thank you" she grabbed the paper, put on some normal, more fancy, clothes and with Makoto and her bodyguards she went to her producer.

He read it and a smile began appearing on his lips, "Lovely, Sayaka, just lovely! This song will make a fantastic single"

"I was thinking the same thing" she smiled.

"Now, let us name the album, alright?"

"Hm.. Let's say, 'Tickets To My Heart'?"


(A/N; I am sorry for not publishing this earlier, I had it in drafts for so long, I just couldn't finish it. anyway, again there will be a long time with no oneshots at all, but here goes. Also, I had no idea what to name the song, so it's a little similar to the already existing album by MGK; Tickets To My Downfall)

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