Double Date (⚠ w/Komahina ⚠)

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This oneshot might not be as focused on Naezono as the previous ones are. I apologize for that, I should've written this into my Komahina oneshots book, but here we go.

The summer had just began and all the students and kids were outside enjoying the sun while they can. If you'd look closely, you would notice that girls hung out with girls and boys usually hung out with boys, so it was nice to see a boy hang out with a girl.

Beautiful example was Sayaka and Makoto.

But these two weren't here to "hang out".
These two were enjoying their third date. Oh, double date to be exact.

They set up a double date with their younger friends - Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata.

They befriended them right when Hajime and Nagito entered Hope's Peak. As the time went on, they hung out more and more and in this mysterious friendship began showing some romantic feelings.

Yes, you've already guessed it.

Makoto fell in love with Sayaka and Nagito fell in love with Hajime.

Makoto confessed to Sayaka a year ago and soon enough, these two became the most popular couple in their grade.

Nagito meanwhile was too shy to tell Hajime about his feelings, so he dropped a few clues here and there, but Hajime didn't notice them. That made Nagito a bit sad.

But today, was the day Nagito planned to confess.

Sayaka knew about his plan, so she asked Makoto if they could go on a double date.
After hearing what our lucky boy was planning, Makoto of course agreed.

So here we are!

Let's see how it goes, okay?


Sayaka, Makoto, Nagito and Hajime met up in the park in their school.

Even if Hope's Peak was closed during summertime, the park stayed open and it's gates were open for students who want to study there.

This park was just in the middle of the town, so none of these four people had it too far or too close to their dorms.

"Hey guys" Sayaka said. She was the last one to arrive. Hajime and Nagito said their Hello's to her.

After two or three kisses were shared with Makoto, they began walking.

They walked to a nearby Café. That's where their double date was supposed to start.

During their walk there, they talked about how their summer holiday went. It's been a couple of weeks since the school closed and kids left for holiday.

"Oh, I've been in England on a tour" Sayaka said.

Her and her band were pretty popular, but they weren't as close as they were before. They argued nonstop and they all thought about leaving. Their songs sounded fake, but the way they sang and played them, was the only thing that made their fans love them more.

"I went with her" Makoto spoke, "Are you guys still arguing?"

"Mhm. We can't be in the same room for an hour without arguing"

"So, your band is going to break up soon?" Nagito asked. He looked at the sky watching the clouds move as he "unnoticeably" grabbed Hajime's hand.

Hajime looked at their hands and smiled a tiny bit.

"Probably" Sayaka sighed out. Makoto wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they entered the Café.

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