Love letter I.

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⚠ Slight Komahina ⚠

Sayaka and Makoto were seniors on Hope's Peak Academy. The years flew by like a gentle wind during summer, mainly thanks to the funny scenarios they experienced with their classmates and/or younger students who they've befriend.

Some of the students were already in relationship, planning their futures with their partners.

And here where our tale begins:

Hope's Peak Academy, where everyone is accepted for who they truly are.


Sayaka Mainzo

Another long day of education had finally ended. I couldn't wait to see Makoto - my best friend and boyfriend.

I caught him in the hallway, waiting for me in front of the music classroom, where I was taking singing lessons.
He was talking to our one year younger friend - Hajime Hinata.

"Hi guys" I said and walked up to them both with a smile on my face.

"Hi Sayaka" Hajime replied while Makoto greeted me with a soft kiss on the lips.

"What are you doing?" I asked and put the stuff I was carrying into my locker.

"Hajime showed me the love letter he wrote" Makoto busted him.

"Makoto! Come on, I told you not to tell anyone" Hajime whined, pink tint covering his cheeks.

"Come on Hajime. There's nothing wrong with a love letter," I said and looked at him while closing my locker door, "Me and Makoto were exchanging love letters nonstop"

"We do it now too. Sometimes love letters, sometimes cheesy notes" Makoto said and looked at me with a smirk.

"Yep. Show me" I reached out and Hajime's shaking hand gave me the letter.

I read it quickly:

(Quick disclaimer: I have no idea what love letters look like so I just googled some and here's what I got)

'Dear Nagito,

It's kinda my only opportunity to talk to you about my feelings towards you and not lie to hide them.
I know we've been friends for a while and I̶ w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ the last thing I would wish is to break what we've built during past years.

The school prom is coming and if you are still free, would you consider coming there with me?

I hope I didn't ruin anything.

    - Hajime Hinata'

I smiled and gave him the letter back.

"It's nice" I said, "I'm sure he'll accept it"

"I don't really know," Hajime said.

"If you want, me and Sayaka could go and ask him if he has any date for the prom" Makoto suggested.

"You would?!" Hajime gasped and we nodded, "Thank you guys"

"You're welcome," I said and leaned towards Makoto, ''He's stressed, stay with him, take him for a walk or something. I'll go to Nagito"
Makoto nodded and our paths parted.

I saw white and fluffy hair on the other side of the hallway - in the middle of the crowd.

I began running towards Nagito, pushing my way through the wave of students.

"NAGITO" I yelled at him and began trying to catch my breath.

"Hm?" the boy with fluffy hair looked at me, "Oh, hey Sayaka"

"Hey" I said still huffing. I showed him my index finger, telling him to hold on a bit so I could catch my breath.

"Are you okay? You earned a good bruise on your knee" Nagito pointed out and I immediately looked at my knee.

There was a small spot which was already purple-blue, but  pain was pumping through  bigger area.

"I'm okay" I sighed out and finally caught my breath.

"So what did you need?" he asked.

"Do you already have a date for the prom?" I asked and watched the students in the hallway leave.

"No.. I don't know if I'll even go" Nagito chuckled, "Now if you excuse me.. I need to get some books from the library"
I watched the albino walk away from me.

I ran back to where Makoto and Hajime were, but all I found was a single letter stuck to my locker with tape.

I took it off and read it:

"Hi Sayaka <3

I want you to know that I really love and appreciate you. Not just you as looks, but you're very very beautiful woman, but you as your true self. I love everything about you.
Everytime I see you, I thank God for everything you've done to me. You made me a better person and I hope you know that.

I want you to remember that I will stand by your side no matter what you choose to do.

So, I'm asking you:

Would you like to be my prom date?


   - Makoto

PS. I love you'

I smiled, tears running down my face.

I always loved when Makoto left me a letter or note or something he wrote or made himself. He was just good at this stuff - a fantastic romantic and lover.

I took out my pink glitter gel pen from my locker and wrote to the question: 'Would you like to be my prom date?' a big yes with a heart.

I went to his locker and slid the letter into it, knowing he'll pick it up soon, because Byakuya asked for one book I saw in his locker.

Oh, there he goes with Hajime too!

"Hey hey guys" I said and waved at them both.

"Hey Sayaka" Makoto replied and planted a kiss on my cheek. He then opened his locker and found the letter.

While Makoto was reading, "Hajime, I asked Nagito about the prom date thing"

"What did he say?" Hajime asked desperate for answers.

"He's free, but he's thinking about not going at all. That letter will make him go for sure" I said.

"Are you sure..?" Hajime asked and his body began shaking.

"I know you're not good with this stuff," I began, "But if you really are afraid of giving it to him yourself or putting it into his locker, I can do it"

"No.. I gotta do this myself"

"We'll go as support" Makoto said with a smile and kissed me.

"Thanks guys"

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