Saving me

389 10 1

Requested by Akiza2322

violence, cuts, bruises, kidnapping, blood, running without break, torn up clothes, slightly disturbing story, breaking and entering,

! lowercase will be used ! 

Hard thing about relationships with a famous pop star and an actor/actress isn't all the time you two can spend together, because they work a lot, but the attention from media.
Mainly stalkers. There are innocent stalkers, but there are very dangerous ones too.

Tonight, Sayaka Maizono had a big concert on one of the biggest stadiums in the world. She was preparing for this day for months if not years.

At the moment she was in her hotel room, singing in her bathroom. She spent almost an hour there before her voice was ready to go.

As Sayaka was brushing her hair, the sound of the lock moving disturbed her. She stood still, listening to the sound. the door suddenly opened with a quiet creak.
Sayaka covered her mouth, locked the bathroom door and texted Makoto.

Me 7:23pm;
someone's at my

I'm terrified

can you call the police?

I can't, they'll hear me

Makoto <3 7:23pm;
on it, don't worry <3333

Sayaka hid behind the curtain on the shower and didn't turned off her phone.

"miss Maizono?" a voice called out to her. they sounded like her new bodyguard, she didn't meet them though, because she hired them a few days ago, but she did speak with them over the phone and their voices were quite similar.

she stepped out of the shower, still unsure if she should go out.

"are you okay miss Maizono?" the person in the next room spoke up. something heavy and probably blunt hit the table, "come out. right. now."

Sayaka quietly gasped and hid in the shower again. she covered her mouth with her hand and put her phone beside her. she was trembling and tears began rolling out of her eyes.
she received a message which she quickly checked.

Makoto <3 7:26pm;
police + me are on
our way

you'll be ok, just stay hidden

Me 7:27pm;
thx babe, love you <3333

Makoto <3 7:27pm;
love you too <33333

"COME OUT" they shouted, making Sayaka cry more. she was pressing her hand against her mouth, smothering the whimpers and sobs completely. the door on the bathroom suddenly opened and the intruder was looking around. they grabbed the shower curtain and dragged it open, revealing crying Sayaka.

"there you are" they said in singing tone, with desire and ecstasy, and swung a bat. the bat hit Sayaka's head, causing her to pass out almost immediately. the person who hit her head quickly picked her up, somewhat folded her body and put her into a big case.


minutes passed since Sayaka has been kidnapped. the police arrived, but it was obviously too late. they opened the door to see Sayaka's empty apartment.

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