Ichi (いち)

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"Sigh..." it was raining again. The sound of rain dropping, cicadas chirping used to be my favorite but that was 3 years ago.
"I'm going home first Ah Wei!" I saw him waiving his hand goodbye before I ran off to the nearest bust stop, hugging my backpack close. From afar I can see the 6.30 pm bus have drove past my stop.
I panted from the running and relaxed my body on the bus stop bench, fully accepting the fact that i am now drenched and sticky all over. I sighed again. "Can it not rain, like ever!", i muttered loud enough only for myself to hear.

A black slick car stopped in front of the now empty bus stop. With the front passenger window rolled down, the driver's face was becoming visible, smiling and gesturing for me to take a ride. A face I have seen countless times of my 24 years of life. I pouted, just gesturing him to move along. He did, like he always does, knowing no word can change my mind.

My mind trinkled back to the younger me, all spoiled and confident, mighty and untouchable. I laughed thinking at how stupid i looked then. A small smile formed on my lips, my eyes still pondering on the non stop rain from the heavens that seems to be getting heavier by the seconds. A screeching sound of a bus brake woke me up from my trance. Thats my cue then. I hopped on the bus through the rear door, trying to secure an empty seat at the back. I smiled unknowingly seeing the mostly empty bus. I can only see some students from different faculties seating randomly, some with their head down with a smirk on their face, most probably from reading or watching something funny on their social medias, and some are either taking a quick nap or just staring outside the windows thinking of their near future, perhaps.
I made my way to my seat, last row of the bus, at the very left. The only seat i would take if not already occupied. With my backpack on my lap, I find my right hand slowly moved, tracing the empty space beside me. I moved my line of sight to the foggy window on my left, my left hand never left the trace lf memory im trying hard to keep in my grasp. I can feel teardrops forming as i keep my eyes focused on the wormlike rain drops on the window.

My favourite time of the day, our bus ride home. I flashed him a cheeky smile as I slid my hand inside the fold of his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. "Sigh.. I'm hella tired today..and hungry too. Dinner?" I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze, blinking twice to pry for his sympathy.
"I can make us mala hotpot tonight, or lets just maybe drop by your favourite belt sushi place after this.. or...", he placed his hand on my shoulder, holding my tighter as if afraid I would open the window and jumped out of the bus, "or you can have me instead", that and an uninvited wink.
I knitted my brows and lifted my head from his shoulder and gave him my made up contempt smile, indicating my inner cringe at his attempt to seduce me. He bursted out into a laughter and held me tighter as I said "Make me my mala hotpot and I'll think about it" with my brows arching upwards twice.
His laugh turns into a meaningful smile, pinching my cheeks with a reply "I guess i'm cooking again tonight".

"Urghh, not this again". I close my eyes, using the sleeves of my shirt to dry my tears, not allowing them to even reach my cheeks. "I hate it when it rains".

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