Owatta (終わった) - It's over

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Realization dawned on his face. His hands squeezed into fists. He shoved the door opened and was met with Minato's and Shi De's shocked face. Shu Yi's face was red in anger, fairly obvious to the other two pairs of eyes. Minato jumped to her feet, held up her hands up in surrender and scampered out immediately. Shi De walked and closed the door behind Shu Yi.

Shu Yi's two eyes followed every movement of Shi De's very closely, his expression growing sullen by the moment, his mouth dry.

He saw Shi De taking a seat while opening up the bento box placed on the table.

"Have some food first, will you? It's your favourite."

Shu Yi glanced sideways to see garlic chahan (garlic and egg fried rice), Shi De's hand extending a spoon towards him.

Shu Yi leveled a glowering look and gritted his teeth. He took the spoon and flung it towards Shi De's chest. The spoon then hit a leg of the table and made a loud clang.

Shi De remained composed, not a flinch from Shu Yi's attack. If only Shu Yi was not blinded by anger, he would've noticed the welling up in Shi De's eyes.

"What I eat and what I like to eat is my fucking business." He fixed his glare at Shi De and scoffed.

Shi De stood up and made his way to Shu Yi. Both were now standing in front of the meeting table, looking intensely at each other. Shu Yi took a few steps back as Shi De continued closing in on Shu Yi. Shu Yi's heart pounding, Shi De's aching. When Shi De finally stop, Shu Yi let out an undetectable sigh of relief.

Shi De scanned the face in front of him wistfully. The face he saw every night in his dream and every day in his wake. He wanted to wipe that resentful look off Shu Yi's face and unveil Shu Yi's sweet smile he once freely gave him the moment they woke up in each other's arms. But he could only look now. Shi De drew his lower lip between his teeth, suppressing his inner turmoil.

"I'm sorry. Shu Yi.. I am really really sorry. I'm trying to make it up to you. Three years ago.. I didn't mean to.. I mean, I can't..." Shi De's hands now holding Shu Yi's shoulders, his head hung low.

Shi De's stuttering was making Shu Yi impatient. "What? You can't do what exactly Gao Shi De?" His voice slow but firm, almost mocking.

Only responded with a squeezed on his shoulders, Shu Yi snarled before lifting both his hands to push Shi De's chest, forcing Shi De to take a step back.

Shu Yi brushed the invisible dust on his shoulders and took a few steps towards the door.

"I love you". Shi De said, rather dolefully.

Shu Yi could feel his heart skipped a beat. His anger faltered for a moment. But that moment didn't last long. He turned his body to face Shi De once again.

"Shu Yi.." Shu Yi pursed his lips and raised his hand. He threw his hand forward as hard as he could, whipping it across Shi De's face. The loud pang echoed off the walls.

"Your words mean nothing to me now". Shu Yi opened the door and left Shi De there, his shoulders now slumping, his cheeks red, though somewhat numb from all the pain he's feeling inside his heart.

He slowly made his way out of the meeting room, his eyes were met with another six's. He can't see Shu Yi anywhere in the lab. He forced a smile to the watchful students and left. 

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