Uso (嘘) - Lies

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Shi De entered the apartment, pulling Shu Yi in with him.

He pushed Shu Yi against the wall by the door, both his hands gripping tightly on Shu Yi's shoulders. Shu Yi let out a loud grunt as his back hit the wall, just in time for the door to be fully shut.

"What.." Shi De lifted his right hand to cover Shu Yi's mouth. His other hand firmly locking Shu Yi's retaliating hands. He shook and bobbed his head intermittently, taking a full minute to direct his red eyes towards Shu Yi's. His gaze was soft, a 180 degree turn to his current rough demeanour. He loomed closer, their nose almost touching. His lashes fluttered as he asked, "Are you leaving?".

Shu Yi's forehead creased. His eyes narrowed.

"Can't.. can't you stay?" His voice getting lower by the end of his sentence. Deep in his heart Shi De knew, he was asking too much from Shu Yi but he wanted to be greedy and selfish for once in his life.

Slowly, Shi De removed his hands from Shu Yi, letting it lose hanging by his sides. His eyes still on Shu Yi, wet.

Shu Yi rubbed his wrists, slightly hurt from the forced grip. He cocked his head, eyeing Shi De top to bottom. Shi De was still in his work clothes, a white shirt tucked in a suit trouser, sleeves rolled up just below his elbows. Shu Yi's eyes stopped at the black rope encircling Shi De's wrist. His heart throbbed at the sight.

He swallowed all the curse he had at the tip of his tongue and said "You should leave", instead.

Shu Yi turned his body to open the door just to have Shi De shut it back again.

Shi De made his way further inside Shu Yi's apartment and stopped in front of the wall window with his back towards Shu Yi. He sighed at the night view he was seeing, not because it wasn't pretty but because even this beautiful view would not help calm his mind. He wanted to let Shu Yi know what happened but he never knew where to start. What's the point? Shi De, he himself was at fault, no excuses or reasons can make it any better.

"Why are you even studying engineering? Your passion is music. Why would you stop doing what you love?" He tried making small talks to lighten up the mood. He can see Shu Yi's reflection, standing close to the door, hands in his pockets.

"I don't know, you tell me Shi De. Why do people say they love something but not follow through with their words?"

Shi De tilted his head slightly, finding Shu Yi through the corner of his eyes. His mouth slightly ajar, trying to say something that wouldn't come out.

Shu Yi shortened his distance from Shi Dem a crooked smile forming on his lips.
"Let me tell you, of all the lies I've heard, the word love is my favourite. It is so easy to say, and even easier to believe in. You know why? Because most people are too stupid to know the difference."

Shi De turned his body to face Shu Yi's. "But you're not most people, you're far from stupid. I loved you. I still do. I have never lied to you."

"So you weren't lying when you said you'd be back soon, fucking three years ago?!" a mix of rage and disappointment seared through Shu Yi. His edge of irritation has returned.

Shi De swallowed dryly. Shu Yi was right, I did lie to him, intentional or not, it wouldn't matter, Shi De reflected.

"I have my reason." Shu Yi scoffed in reply.

"Oh yea? I'm all ears."

Shi De contemplated, considering all his options but finally chose to remain silent. Where do I start. How?.

Shi De shifted his gaze from Shu Yi's eyes.

Shu Yi let his hands out of his pockets, his shoulders sagged, his expression seemed dour. He didn't know this man in front of him can hurt him more than he already did. I guess I am not even worth an explanation.


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