Natsukashi (懐かし) - Happy Memories

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Shi De's gaze followed the nook and cranny of Shu Yi's face. The gauntness of his face cannot hide his beauty. Yes, beautiful. Beautiful is the word Shi De would use to describe this sleeping man in his arm. He traced his middle and index finger along Shu Yi's hair, to his unblemished forehead and his eyebrows before stopping at the beauty mole just under his right eye.

Shi De's lips curved into a gentle smile. He would not be able to count the amount of kisses he had planted on that particular spot. My spot, was how he would call it back then. He continued tracing along Shu Yi's small but sharp nose to his chin. He retraced his finger back towards Shu Yi's lips. He can hear the soft breathing of Shu Yi, currently deep in slumber. Shi De hoped Shu Yi would dream of the mountains and the chirping birds, their kind of place.

He missed him. This peaceful scene was everything he wanted in life, then, and even more so, now.

Last night was harrowing. The moment Shi De turned Shu Yi to face him, Shu Yi dropped to the floor in a dishevelled heap, letting out gut-wrenching sobs that tore through his chest. Shi De was out of his wits, only watching and listening with his hands caressing and wiping Shu Yi's cheeks, wishing for the pain to be his instead. His eyes red, tears streaming. His heart ached for Shu Yi. More than aching, it was breaking. He saw Shu Yi's whole body tremoring as he choked on his sobs with no sign of stopping. Shi De had never felt more powerless in his life. He hugged Shu Yi and leaned his mouth close to Shu Yi's ear and started humming their song. His hands stroking softly on Shu Yi's back.

It took a while before Shu Yi's cries turned into coos. Shu Yi fell asleep in his embrace. They stayed that way. Shi De's legs were numb by the time he decided to move Shu Yi to the bed. Carefully, Shi De lifted and tucked Shu Yi in.

Shi De shook his head to throw away his reminiscence of yesterday. It was too painful.

A sudden ringing of an incoming call instigated small movements from Shu Yi. Shi De grimaced while reaching out to turn the phone off. Shu Yi was still in his arm, his forehead almost leaning on Shi De's chest. Shi De looked down to Shu Yi's fluttering lashes. He cursed the caller in his mind.

Shu Yi opened his eyes, blinking a few times to see better. His nostrils flared as he took a whiff of a very familiar scent. Shi De's. He raised his chin to meet a pair of worried eyes.

It took him 5 seconds to register the position he was in. He lifted his left hand slowly to tug at Shi De's collar before deciding that he was in fact fully spent. He did not have any strength in him to throw Shi De off the bed. He lowered his head to its original position, closed his eyes and once again drifted to sleep with his hand still on Shi De's collar. He was having a good dream before he was startled awake, so he thought he ought to continue that.

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