Hachi (はち)

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A/N: Sorry!! There will be more GSD in the upcoming chapters okayy. *Pinkypromise

Also, I will try to finish this ff as soon as possible without rushing the plot. I hate waiting for updates and I know you guys/gals do too! ilyg :'D


Shu Yi was reading when he got startled by the rapid knocking on his door.

He sighed. He spent the entire night trying to convince these two nutcases to not come. He reluctantly opened his door and was taken by surprise when the impact of Bing Wei's sudden hug caused him to take two steps back. He chuckled, returning Bing Wei's hug while minding Zhe Yu's intense stare.

"I really am fine." Shu Yi said as Bing Wei decided to stop suffocating him after a solid minute. Zhe Yu steps forward and patted his right shoulder, slightly nodding as if to reassure Shu Yi that they, indeed, did not believe him whatsoever.

Bing Wei and Zhe Yu went ahead and made themselves comfortable, one sitting on the sofa, another lying snugly on his stomach in Shu Yi's bed. Since Shu Yi's apartment was really just a small studio, there were no separate room for his bed and his living room. Shu Yi placed the baggage his friends brought near the large window of his apartment and proceeded to sit on the floor, leaning his back on the coffee table by the sofa.

"So..." Zhe Yu broke the silence.

Shu Yi took a deep breath and loudly sighed. "Here goes...".

After 30 minutes of Shu Yi explaining what happened and the other two taking turns asking him question he mostly did not have answers to, Shu Yi served them some juice. The snacks they brought from Taiwan for Shu Yi was mostly gone by then.

"Are you going to still stay here then? It's not too late you know. You are supposed to stay here only for 6 months, doing lab works that you can otherwise easily do in your home university." Zhe Yu said firmly, looking straight into Shu Yi's eyes.

Bing Wei pursed his lips before softly saying, almost persuading, "Shu Yi.. you told us you came here to start anew, to try and forget everything. I don't see you doing that with that guy in your lab, supposedly supervising your research works. I just.. don't want you to hurt. You..."

"I know, I know." Shu Yi's brows knitted together, his expression sullen.

"But I prepared a lot for this. I paid in full my six month rent here. And there's also my scholarship. It would be rescinded if I did not finish my 6 months." Shu Yi felt a nab in his heart upon saying that, fully aware that money was the last thing he would have to worry about in his life. He knew that, his friends did too.

"I won't back away. I have always lost to him, maybe, just maybe, I can have my first win here." That last sentence sounded convictive in Shu Yi's ear but rather improbable in the others'. Shu Yi rubbed the nape his neck, eyes on both of his friends, seemingly asking for permission.

Bing Wei, now sitting beside Shu Yi, gave him an affirmative pat on the shoulder and said "Okay, but please know that you can go back home anytime you want okay?"

"And you are not allowed to not answer our calls and texts. Or else." Zhe Yu added, unblinkingly, giving off a rather scary expression.

Shu Yi's jaw tightened, "That was so long ago, it won't happen again".

"And I want to believe you".

Bing Wei detecting the sudden rise of contempt between the other two waved his hand to break their eye contacts, "Hao le, Hao le, now tell me what do you Japanese do for fun on Sunday's night?".

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