Eshajouri (えしゃじょうり) - We Meet Only to Part

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A/N: I know this is a bit short, but fret not, I'll be uploading the next chapter really soon.

Thank you for reading!


Shu Yi ignored the looks everybody gave him as he entered the lab. He took the laptop on his desk that he left behind yesterday and went straight outside, heading to the library, ignoring Minato who was trying to say something. As strong a defence he put up in front of Shi De, he knew he can't keep his cool 24 hours a day. In fact he did lose his cool again yesterday. He went home regretting his life decisions but not because he slapped him, but because there's high chance the other students had found out about him and Shi De. Whatever, he thought. People can guess, but they will not know for sure if nobody's there to answer their questions.

The next few days, he fully ignored any attempt of Shi De trying to talk to him. Shi De was still wearing his unaffected act disguise. There were still bentos and drinks on his desk by lunch which he swiftly threw away in the bin, every single time. Shu Yi can hear him talking, laughing and joking with his juniors every now and then. He felt a flicker of irritation. You wished for his happiness back then Shu Yi, why are you feeling this way now that he is happy, Shu Yi loosened his clenched jaw, cursing inwardly to himself for his capricious thoughts.

In the middle of his mental tumult, he received a text from his Sensei to drop by his office as soon as possible and so he did.

"Your application for your early course completion here has been approved" Sensei said with a smile. "I am very pleased with your works, thank you for choosing us as your host during your study here."

Shu Yi made a ninety degree bow and solemnly thanked the Professor for accommodating him.

Upon leaving Sensei's office, he opened up a virtual calendar on his phone, his fingers counting the days he has left. Ten days. He chewed the inner of his lower lips, confused as to why his elevated mood would suddenly die down rapidly. He ignored the uneasiness in his heart and hastened his steps, again full of spirits. He can't wait to get home and tell this news to his friends. He stopped by the lab to pick up his bag, his eyes darting towards every corner. Shu Yi was shocked finding himself actually looking for that man. He hurried home, disregarding a feeling of slight despondent seeing Shi De was no longer in the lab.

He was punching in the password to enter his home when a familiar hand pushed his door opened. 

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