Miren (未練) - Lingering Affection

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Two months passed by excruciatingly slowly. Gao Shi De who had always been away for his work trips was more frequently showing his face in the lab, in the past few weeks. Shu Yi consistently found Shi De looking at him from afar with a cloudy expression which shifted to a soft smile whenever Shu Yi's eyes met his and more often than not, Shu Yi would respond with a snicker and a look of disdain.

Ideally, they would sit and talk to each other, trying to untangle their misunderstandings and mishaps. However, the two grown adult decided to stay true to the saying action speaks louder than words.

Shi De would cover him with his coat whenever Shu Yi fell asleep at his desk. And Shu Yi would throw his coat away on the floor whenever he was awake. Shi De would come early based on Shu Yi's schedule to warm up all the equipment so that Shu Yi can start his lab works without waiting. Shi De would try to approach Shu Yi whenever he felt that Shu Yi needed help but of course, Shu Yi would ignore him completely. Even a word from Shi De would make Shu Yi flared in anger. Not wanting to aggravate Shu Yi's anger towards him, Shi De decided to do this slowly. To win his heart back, bit by bit.

Shi De has been noticing Shu Yi's weird behaviour whenever it rains. Shu Yi's right hand would instinctively rub his right thigh and the other would aggressively pick on his right forearm to the point it turned red. It was getting worse each day due to the rainy season, as Japan was transitioning from spring to summer.

Shi De did not remember Shu Yi behaving this way during the time there were together. Nevertheless, he tried his best to calm Shu Yi down by asking Minato to send him warm tea and sweets.

Today marked the third month of Shu Yi in Japan. He finally managed to fulfil all the requirements and sent the application form for early dismissal from his current host university.

He sighed in relief and started to look around the lab from his desk. Following the chitter chatter of his new friends, he quietly observed their backs cramped up in the small pantry through a glass partition wall, most probably having lunch while gossiping. He elongate his neck trying to locate Minato, to no avail. He stood up and paced towards the exit. He wanted to ask if Minato would have dinner with him tonight, to repay for her hospitality throughout his duration studying there. He passed by the meeting room when he heard two people conversing. He halted his steps and moved closer to the meeting room in an attempt to find Minato. His hand was hung mid-air as he was about to knock on the slightly opened door when he suddenly heard Minato saying "You should give it to him yourself you know, he won't bite".

"Hm, just take this to him will you. Tell him to eat it while it's still warm. Cold food is not good for his stomach." That was Shi De's voice, Shu Yi's eyes widened. 

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