Roku (ろく)

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A/N : I will start to use third person POV from this chapter onwards yaa.. just a heads up :)

Also did you guys watch the second ep?? Did you? DID YOU?! Tell me, i need someone to vent to right now. T.T


Shu Yi's steps gradually increase in speed, probably trying to escape from his current turmoil. He did not give a single glance to anything, scurrying his way home, almost running. He did not bother to catch a train or more specifically, he did not remember to. Some distance away from the university, he started to slow down, trying to catch his breath. Lifting his head towards the sky, he noticed that it has turned dark, the moon barely visible. The road was wet, most definitely just rained on. It's already past 6, he realized after looking at his watch.

Shu Yi can feel the cold wind blowing in his direction as he was walking on the steep alley in between Japanese traditional houses. The street lamp did little to pierce the gloom. He walked and walked, seemingly blankly. His eyes focused on the road ahead but in reality, he sees only the memories of the past.

 "Not feeling well?" Shu Yi stopped his track, mindlessly letting his boyfriend feel up  his forehead and neck. Gao Shi De rubbed his hands together before cupping Shu Yi's cheeks completely ignoring the watching eyes of other students passing by. "Your face is freezing, is your stomach acting up again?"

Shi De slightly hunched trying to read Shu Yi's expression.

"Hmph" Shu Yi pouted, his eyebrows turned downward. Eyes downcast watching his own hand fiddling the hem of his shirt.

"You won again huh. Must be nice being good at everything."

Shi De just won the uni's swimming competition with Shu Yi as the runner-up. But that's not what's making Shu Yi's face turned sour.

Shi De's hands now rested comfortably on Shu Yi's shoulders, a cheeky smile formed on his lips. "You know I can't lose to you.. But that's not why you're pouting right now." Shi De tried hard to suppressed his laughter, he swear that that cute pouting face will be the death of him.

Shu Yi responded Shi De's gaze with a narrow squint. "What did you do with all the present you got from your 'fans'?" Shu Yi intentionally emphasized the word 'fans'.

"Are you jealous because of the gifts or because I am the one who got the gifts." Shi De crossed his arms, turning his body not to face Shu Yi's while trying to make his grimacing face as noticeable as possible.

Shu Yi's lower lip quivered. How it turned this way, Shu Yi thought inwardly. I am the one supposed to be sulking right now.

"First of all, I am in no way jealous of those walking human sticks acting all shy and novel while subtly trying to throw their bodies at you, and secondly, you dont get to sulk right now coz I am the one who lost, again."

A smile crept up on Shi De's face, his eyes lit up. "Yea, you are so not jealous alright. I didn't accept any of those gifts and the ones by my lockers I gave it all to our juniors. Okay Baobei?"

Shu Yi tried to give him a scrutinizing look but failed miserably upon hearing that term of endearment.

Not giving any chance for Shu Yi to retaliate, Shi De continued while chasing after Shu Yi who's now walking off "Also, you could've maybe won the competition if you did not sprain your back a few weeks ago"

Shu Yi's hand travelled to his lower back, furrowing his brows. What is he talking about, my back is fi...

Realizing he has been tricked into another mischief of Shi De's, followed by the recollection of what happened last week, Shu Yi's jaw went slack.

Shi De flashed the widest grin of his life.

"WTF! Gao Shi De! I told you to never speak about that ever again!" Shu Yi shouted his lung out while trying to catch up to his now escaping boyfriend.

Krringg krring. The sound of a bicycle's bell brought Shu Yi back to present. He made a quick head bow to apologize for blocking the path and immediately close his back to the tall wall by his right to make space for the cyclist. 

He realized he was now almost at the end of the steep alleyway, his eyes and cheeks wet. He used his sleeve to dry his face and rushed home for a bath to hopefully wash all the miserable feelings in his heart. But what he did not notice was that before the bicycle ring, he was smiling. The sweet smile he did not know he had in him after Shi De left.

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