chapter 1

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Y/n pov

"First day of school. You can do this y/n. It's just a building with kids your age." I say to myself standing In front of the school I place my hand on the door handle and open the door. The hallways are flooded with people. I want to turn around and leave but people are pushing me deeper into the crowd of people. I bump into these two boys knocking their thing out of their hands. " Omg I am so sorry" I says bending down helping them pick their books up. "Its ok.. woah. Uh I mean uh-" the boy get cut off by the other boy "you must be new here. I'm Ned and this is Peter" "Nice to meet you I'm y/n. " peter still looks like he's in awe I ignore it. " what are your classes we can help you find them" Ned says. "Um I have science" " us too" Peter finally says something. He seems excited. "Cool we should probably start going then" "yeah we should come on Peter " Ned says and we walk to class together. They seem really nice. Who knew that going to a real high school was going to turn out to be this fun so far. Not me. Definitely not me. We arrive at our class room. And they walk in. I stand there for a minute realizing once I walk through that door everyone is going to know that I'm the new girl. I take a deep breath and walk in "hello you must be the new student" the teacher says "yup that me" I saw wanting to walk away and take a seat somewhere. "Im Ms.Warren" then she faces the class. "Everyone this is our new student y/n l/n let's try and make her feel welcomed" she says then turns to me " you can sit beside um Peter. Ned do you mind moving seats. I'd like it if you would sit with Betty" ned nods his head and takes his things to his new spot. Peter frantically cleans up the area as I approach the desk. "Hey" I take a seat beside him "h-h-hi" "I'm sorry you can't sit with Ned anymore" "its okay. Having you as a lab partner seems fun" he smiles. I decided to smile back.

*6 hours later*

I've gone thorough all my classes. Got some friends and now it's time to head home. Wait I can't go home I have to find Peter. He's supposed to catch me up on science stuff. I go over to where I bumped into them funny enough it was pretty close to his locker. "Hey Peter. You still good to help me get caught up on science stuff?" "Yeah I don't have anything planned. So my house or yours?" He asks. I do want people knowing I don't have parents. "You're house would probably be best" "ok well then follow me" he says and we make our way to his house.

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