chapter 4

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Peter's pov

Especially me. What does she mean especially me. Like why me in particular. Peter calm down your overthinking. I think to myself. Damn I falling. Hard.. I got to sleep thinking about y/n. I think about how talented and gorgeous she is. I think about her maybe one day being my girlfriend. I think about alot honestly. She is just so amazing. I know I've only known her for a day and I don't know why I feel like this but I just can't help myself.

*the next morning*

Y/n pov.

I get dressed and head over to Peter's. I knock on the door and he opens it "ready to go?" He asks I nod my head. I'm excited to go but also nervous. The avengers tower is huge. We get to the front door Peter puts a code in and it unlocks. "Peterr. Nice to see you" a man says looks like he's in medieval clothing. He completely ignores my presence here. "Hey thor. Wheres Tony and Wanda?" His voice is so soft and cute I think to myself. "I'm not sure where Wanda is but Tony is down in his lab. Who's the girl." He asks looking at me "I'm y/n" he stays silent for a moment "I'm Thor. It's a pleasure to meet you" he put his hand out and I shake it. "Come on y/n we gott get to Tony" I run over to Peter and we walk down a stair case. "Mr. Stark?" Peter says opening the glass door. "Hey kid. Whose that you've go with you." I don't talk. I stay quiet. "This is y/n. She needs our help."Peter says. I roll my eyes I've been fine for 16 years on my own I don't need help." What's wrong with her?" "She has powers and doesn't know how to control them I was hoping Wanda could help with that?" Tony finally looks up and looks at me. "How old are yah kid" he says staring right at me. "16" I reply. "Same age as under roos. This will be fun. Wanda isn't hear right now but she'll be back soon. If you bring her to Bruce she'll be able to start learning with Wanda sooner." He says Peter nods "Thanks Mr.Stark" he says. While me and him leave the room. He brings me to a different lab and goes over everything. Bruce takes a few blood samples and let's me ans Peter go. We sit in the living room and watch star wars. I'm so excited to start learning about how to control my powers I honestly cannot wait.

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