chapter 9

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Peter's pov

"Tony!" I yell. Making almost everyone in the waiting room loom at me.

"Hey kid come here" he says to me waving me over.

"Is she ok is she doing ok?" I ask

" that's what the doctor was starting to tell me about." He says "so we should let him speak"

I loom at him hoping that it's good news

"She got rushed Into the surgery as you know Mr. Stark" They say to us

"Wait surgery?" I say. She had to have surgery. Oh god.

"Yes, she made it through it. She is still unconscious but stable for now. It might take her awhile to heal fully so we'd like to keep her here for observation" they say then look at Tony.

"Okay thank you, I-" he says but I cut him off

"Where is she can we see her?!" I say

"I have a few more things to go over with you both so if you could wait here that would be great while he all talk" they say to me. I finally take a seat and we listen to what the doctor has to say.

"So when y/n wakes up she might not remember everything. Especially about the accident. I know she has powers so it's a bit harder to determine things because we don't know exactly how they work. But when she wakes up she will probably have difficulties walking and getting things herself and she'll need help doing most things for awhile. When it comes to showing her best option might be to have a bath for the first little while so her muscles don't get over worked because she'll probably need physio therapy" the doctor says to us. I'm in shock. She doesn't deserve any of this.

"That can all be arranged. I'm sure Peter here will help. Right Peter" Tony says to me.

"Yah of course. Also where is everyone else?" I ask.

"They are at home. I told them to stay there and I would update them on y/n's condition." Tony replies.

I'm about to ask if we can go to y/n's room now but that's not gonna happen because she's up walking towards us. She looks perfectly fine. The doctor and Mr.Stark haven't noticed yet. But I'm up out of my seat running towards her.

"Y/N OMG YOU'RE OK" I yell throwing my arm around her picking her up. She wraps her legs around my waist.

'Peter. Thank god you're ok" she says squeezing me tightly. We still are hugging. I don't wanna let her go.

"Miss Y/n. Its great to see you doing well. You have made a very fast recovery." The doctor says and that's when she let's go from our hug.

"How long was I out?" She askes

"Only about an hour. I'm assuming because of your powers you healed very quickly."

"I guess so" y/n says

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