🍷Nights Out and Hangovers🍷

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1. Going out drinking was not your idea. In fact, you wanted to spend the evening wrapped up in a blanket, watching your favourite movie while scarfing down tons of junk food. Yeah, it had been one of those kinds of weeks. But no, you were dragged out and about by your friends because they needed a 'designated driver'. Yeah, you got why they would want one, obviously, but that did very little to soothe your sour mood as you watched all your friends get happy and bubbly off of whatever drinks they felt like ordering while you were stuck sipping something with no alcohol in it. Just as your debating leaving and having your friends just order an Uber or something, a voice pipes up from next to you.

"You too, huh?"

2. You were tipsy. Okay, truth be told, you were bordering on drunk but tipsy just sounds better. You were at your best friend's 21st birthday party, alcohol flowing like water and music blasting at volumes that drew the ire of your friend's neighbours. Right now, you were happily giggling at something someone said, about to start rambling about a random topic only for your brain to stop working at the sight of (Crush). And wait- were they... yup, they were definitely approaching you. Evasive maneuvers?

3. In life, there are few things that are certain. What goes up comes down, taxes and death are unavoidable and a hangover shall always follow a night of heavy drinking. This last fact is the scenario you find yourself in when you wake up after a night out, your head pounding and your mouth dry as the Sahara in a drought. Just as you're about to consider braving opening your eyes and getting out of bed to grab some water, you feel a presence behind you and a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to their owner. Cracking open a bleary eye, you look behind you to try and figure out just what you did the night before, your breath catching in your throat at the sight of the person treating you like a teddy bear. It was (Crush). Uh oh...

4. Feel free to come up with or suggest your own!

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