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Name: Rini Chouyaku

Nicknames: Rin, Bunny, Little Rabbit, Kitten, Powderpuff, Dandelion, Teddy Bear, Fuzzball etc

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Appearance: Rini has short, curly white hair that never behaves no matter how much she begs it or tries to force it to, golden-yellow eyes, a small pair of fangs that she's honestly a little proud of and is generally seen as cute, possessing a bit of a baby face alongside an almost permanent happy-go-lucky smile. She has tanned skin with scars dotted randomly about her body (all of them from either mishaps with her Quirk or her being an idiot) and is about 5ft even, her build geared towards gymnastics and acrobatics with only slight curves. If one looks closely, they can see faint freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheekbones as well as on her shoulders

Personality: Rini is pretty much what would happen if you gave an already hyperactive golden retriever twelve cups of coffee spiked with 5-Hour Energy shots. She never stops moving, constantly either bouncing her leg, fidgeting or drumming her fingers against either a table or her leg. She never stops talking, cheerful as can be and hating silence with a passion. This has gotten her labelled as annoying. A lot. She is extremely affectionate, giving out hugs wherever she can (though she does back off when asked). She seemingly has no survival instincts, often poking any number of sleeping dragons with a large stick just to see what will happen. She does tons of volunteer work, going out of her way to do good no matter how much she already has on her plate. She is incredibly stubborn, never backing down from a fight no matter how out classed she is. But all her behaviour comes from one deep rooted fear that she refuses to acknowledge: she's terrified of being forgotten

Likes: Camping, hiking, gymnastics, acrobatics, volunteer work, takoyaki, yakitori, most forms of sweets, action movies, horror movies (many people are shocked when they find this out), playing video games, playing basketball and reading (even more people are shocked by this one)

Dislikes: Coffee, watching any kind of sport (playing them is fun, watching them is as dull as dish water to her), birds (long story involving an angry pigeon and a broken nose), sour foods, bitter foods, tofu, natto (tried it once and swears she felt her soul leave her body at the taste) and confined spaces

Pro-Hero/Villain/Student?: Student

Class: 1-A

Quirk Name: Teleport

Quirk Description: Does it really need that much explaining? It's teleportation. She can go from one place to another without occupying the space inbetween. She is able to bring other people, as well as objects, with her when she teleports or simply send them off on their own without having to accompany them. She is able to teleport anywhere within eyesight (so closed off rooms or areas she can't see into are off limits)

Quirk Drawbacks: The further away she teleports, the more drained of energy she'll be (her maximum limit at the moment is around 2kms, any further and she's almost guaranteed to knock herself out even though technically she can hit a range of 5km), she has to see where she's going or else she simply won't be able to teleport and she has to be careful not to teleport into anything or she can get seriously injured

Hero Name: Wonderland

Hero Costume: A pair of grey short shorts, a dark blue waist coat, a white button down shirt with the top two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, white knee high socks, white boots with steel toes, white gloves that go to her wrists, a pair of white rabbit ears that seem to blend into her hair, a black domino mask and a black utility belt full of gadgets

Friends: Midoriya, Kirishima, Ochako, Iida, Denki, Sero, Mina, Tsuyu, Momo, Hagakure, Bakugou (well, she sees him as a friend at least), Shinso, Testutetsu and Jiro

Enemies: League of Villains and Mineta

Love Interest: Bakugou or your OC ((back up love interests include Kirishima, Shinso, Midoriya and Momo))

Family: Maya Chouyaku (mom, hero that goes by Blink), Haruto Chouyaku (dad, stay at home husband, former villain that went by Cheshire)

Backstory: Rini's childhood was... well, unusual was probably putting it mildly. Homeschooled for the majority of it by her ex-villain dad and trained in the use of her Quirk by both her parents, she never exactly got to do most of the stuff that normal kids would do. Not that she noticed much. Sure, she would occasionally get a little lonely but then she would get distracted by a cat up a tree or a cartoon on TV and the thought would fade away as fast as it came. Entering UA is probably the first time she's actually been in a bunch of everyday situations, a pretty memorable encounter being the first time she got sworn at by Bakugou and she judo flipped him into a trash can (in her defence, her dad had sorta given her really bad advice in regards to dealing with aggressive people). Her and Bakugou only really started becoming closer after the Sports Festival, Rini apologising for the incident and then sticking like glue to the male, regardless of his protests on the matter

Other: She's a sleep talker, she has a silver British Shorthair cat called Alice and she is severely claustrophobic

Other: She's a sleep talker, she has a silver British Shorthair cat called Alice and she is severely claustrophobic

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