▪︎ OC 3 ▪︎

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Name: Tamamizu Tanaka

Nicknames: Tama, Mizu, Firefly, Kitsune, Unholy Demon/Wrecker of Shït (mostly used by Shigaraki), Tabaka (once used as a bad joke but somehow managed to stick), Fuzzball (only Dabi has managed to get away with calling her this), Little Mouse (again, only Dabi manages to get away with it), Zenko (no one uses this one if they want to keep their sanity/life)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Tama's eyes are a golden shade of yellow and have black markings around them that look like eyeliner, her skin is incredibly pale to the point that she almost looks sick, her height is around 5'7" and her build is slender with very defined curves. Her facial features are naturally very fox-like. Her hair is a snowy white and so are her fox ears and tail, both her tail and ears looking like they've been dipped in ink. On the inside of her left wrist is a tattoo of three white chrysanthemums and at the base of her spine, right above the base of her tail, is a tattoo of a five colour autumn leaf. Her ears have three sets of piercings in each, all her earrings being black studs with red jewels. Her tongue is also pierced, her favourite piercing to use being a silver straight barbell but she sometimes switches it out for a black barbell with a red jewel to match her earrings

Personality: Tama is an agent of pure and complete chaos, plain and simple. She feels like things have gotten too boring for her tastes? She'll either pull a prank or do something incredibly reckless just so she's entertained, two things that never cease to raise the blood pressure of those around her. She always has a satisfied sort of smile on her face, her actual emotions hidden behind a heavy veneer of false cheer. It's extremely rare to see the real her, the her that wants to burn the world to the ground and dance on the ashes while laughing maniacally, and those moments usually only come about when a lot of alcohol is involved. She is shockingly good with kids, a fact many attribute to the fact that she has around the same emotional maturity as your average seven year old, and will occasionally stop in the middle of fleeing from a crime scene to coo at a particularly cute baby. She is also a really big gamer, getting really competitive when playing and massively enjoying all the salt she gets from other players whenever she switches on her mic

Pro-Hero/Villain/Student?: Villain

Class: Used to attend UA in class A

Quirk Name: Kitsunebi

Quirk Description: Tama is able to create illusions ranging from the small and simple (like a single mosquito buzzing endlessly about a person's head) to the large and intricate (like a person being trapped in their worst nightmare for days on end with no reprieve). She is able to see and feel the illusions that she casts although to her, they appear translucent/muted so her brain doesn't confuse them for real

Quirk Drawbacks: The illusions only work on people (no tricking cameras), the larger the illusion, the more time and effort it takes to both create and maintain (she mostly sticks to smaller scale stuff because of this), an illusion can be broken out of if the victim is given a hard enough bonk to the head (or other part of the body), it's easier for her to do visual and auditory illusions than anything to do with touch and her illusions are limited to her imagination and how much energy she has

Hero/Villain Name: Yako

Hero/Villain Costume: A dark red tank top, a pair of black shorts that barely go to mid-thigh, a crop black leather jacket with red lining, black boots that go to her knees with red laces and red soles, a pair of black metal dog tags with her parents' info on them, a black belt loaded with a bunch of pockets, a pair of black fingerless gloves, a black and red kitsune mask and a black choker necklace

Friends: Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri, Spinner, Toga, Mr Compress, Hayami (they were classmates and the two still have a decent relationship despite being on opposite sides of the law)

Enemies: Shigaraki (more of a frienemies sort of deal really), pretty much everyone who calls themselves a hero

Love Interest: Dabi ((Backups are Shigaraki, Hawks or your OC))

Family: Inari Tanaka (father, deceased), Kaede Tanaka (mother, deceased)

Backstory: From practically day one, Tama has been a massive trickster, the tricks getting bigger and bigger as she aged. It was a massive shock when she managed to get into UA, many certain that she wouldn't last more than a week with so many rules and the intensive level of training. She managed to make it all the way to graduation, going by the code name Zenko and joining Endeavour's Hero Agency. She lasted there until she was 21, doing her job with tons of enthusiasm and becoming pretty popular thanks to her playful personality, the fact that she was able to take down villains with minimal collateral damage and her ability to calm down kids. The incident that caused her to turn to the dark side? No one really knows. All that's known is that it involved the death of her parents and a lot of blood, the woman disappearing for a couple months before coming back as her new self

Other: She's planning on getting another tattoo of a sword down her spine and has diagnosed ADHD

Other: She's planning on getting another tattoo of a sword down her spine and has diagnosed ADHD

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