🌕🐺 Werewolf AU 🐺🌕

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1. If there was a competition for the dumbest of ideas, you would most certainly have taken home the gold medal. What possessed you to think going on a night time hike was a good idea? You didn't have a clue. All you really did know was a) you were hopelessly lost, b) your flashlight had run out of batteries an hour ago and c) you were pretty certain that you could hear howling in the distance despite wolves having been extinct in Japan since the early 20th century. At least you had a full moon to guide you. Now if only it didn't make everything look horror movie creepy. Wait- what was that sound?

2. You were dead. That had to be it. Why else would you be waking up in a hospital, completely scratch and bite free, after being attacked by a wolf? The fact that there was a very attractive person that you didn't know, sitting by your bed, only seemed to confirm your suspicions. And yet, you felt far too alive to be dead, swearing you were able to hear every beat of both yours and the stranger's heartbeats. Smells were also hitting you like a baseball bat, everything far too intense and giving you a massive headache. Hold on, stranger was talking, should probably pay attention. What were they saying about werewolves? Okay, yeah, whatever they had you on was seriously messing you up- Wait, where was the IV? Oh crud, this wasn't a painkiller induced nightmare. Abort mission!

3. Make Up Your Own

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