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Name: Kagami Evans

Nicknames: Blues, Soul, Piano Girl, Bunny, Sunshine, etc

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Kagami's hair is a light shade of blue, wavy and barely clears her shoulders, often put up in a bun or ponytail just to keep it out of her face. Her eyes are a dark shade of green, turning an extremely pale shade of blue whenever her Quirk is in use, and are usually covered by a pair of black framed glasses. Her skin is only lightly tanned, the girl not going out in the sun all that often, and she is around 5'8", her build on the curvy side of things, a fact she often hides with loose fitting clothes, her favourite thing to wear being a hoodie with a cartoon bunny on the front. She is generally considered to be extremely pretty though if she actually put effort into her appearance, many say she could be one of the most beautiful girls in the school, something she only rolls her eyes at

Personality: Kagami is a calm, practical, pragmatic, intellectual and generally pretty level-headed person, rarely getting riled up or involved in drama. She is beyond blunt, not really seeing the point in lying or mincing words, and is remarkably perceptive about other people's emotions and thoughts even if her own emotions might as well be a mystery to her at times. She knows what she wants in life and works hard to get it, looking at most short-cuts the same way one would look at a cockroach. The one thing, without a doubt, that she's beyond passionate about though is music, a sparkle entering her eyes whenever she talks about it and her phone being used more as a portable song library than as a communication device. It is pretty common for her to listen to songs on her way between classes, her walk more of a dance that varies depending on the genre she picked. She is an introvert, able to make friends without many issues (many enjoying being around her for her rather chill nature that makes them feel like they can just be themselves without judgement) but largely preferring either time alone or time spent in the company of just one or two other people. Her Quirk makes it that large crowds are very... draining

Pro-Hero/Villain/Student?: Student

Class: 3-B

Quirk Name: Soul Resonance

Quirk Description: Kagami is able to amplify another person's Quirk, as well as temporarily gain a weaker copy of it although achieving this requires a lot of energy and a deep connection with whoever she happens to be working with. She often compares the process to an electric guitar and a speaker. The electric guitar, aka the person she's amplifying/working with, can do fine on its own but the moment you hook it up to a speaker, aka her, you can see just how powerful it can be. The way she amplifies another person's Quirk is by matching her 'soul frequency' to theirs, a process she calls 'resonance'. More often than not, instead of explaining things properly though, she just says "Go watch Soul Eater. It's basically that only I don't turn into a really awesome weapon"

Quirk Drawbacks: She can only amplify one person at a time, the longer she keeps her 'frequency' matched to another person, the more she acts like them, she can only access the copying aspect of her Quirk if she has a really deep connection with someone or has worked with them extensively to the point she can match their 'frequencies' without even having to be in the same room as them, when her frequency is matched to another person, she feels whatever emotions that person is feeling, if the person she's working with is substantially different from her in terms of personality, she can find it hard to 'resonate' with them and will more than likely just drain herself of energy trying to keep the connection and the more people around her, the harder it is for her to focus on one specific 'frequency'

Hero Name: The Soul Hero: Harmony

Hero Costume: A pair of black skinny jeans, a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, blue Doc Martens with black laces and black music notes on the side, a blue waist coat and a black choker necklace with a silver music note charm hanging from it. She fails to see why her costume should be any more complicated

Love Interest: Tamaki Amajiki (backups include Mirio Togata or your OC)

Backstory: Kagami's childhood was pretty ordinary, not much else to say. Had a couple good friends, got decent grades (well, excellent grades actually but that was more due to a good memory than any actual effort on her part), parents were loving and caring individuals... all that happy stuff. She wasn't even planning on becoming a hero, wanting to become musician and play piano in the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The only reason why she even got into UA was a bit of a fluke. She applied with a group of her friends, her friends wanting to use her as a leg up on getting through the entrance exam. Well, when the exam was over, she wound up getting into the hero program and her friends... well, didn't. She still isn't sure how it happened, not that she asked all that many questions. She just went with it, figuring being a hero could help boost her public profile and make it easier for her when she transitioned into being just a musician. Since then, she's had to train extensively in combat, refusing to be a massive target on the battlefield or to be useless if she didn't have someone nearby to help her

Other: She's been playing piano since she was three, she can also play violin, cello, the drums and guitar, she has a pet Saint Bernard named Chopin and she's an excellent cook

Other: She's been playing piano since she was three, she can also play violin, cello, the drums and guitar, she has a pet Saint Bernard named Chopin and she's an excellent cook

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