💫 Fantasy AU 💫

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1. You weren't sure when you joined the adventuring party, months having gone by at this point with you travelling with them, but you were glad you did. You had made friends for life, gone on adventures you never thought possible and beaten up all sorts of bad guys who thought it was a good idea to mess with the good people of your world. Right now though, you were simply resting by a campfire, chatting to your friends and enjoying a well earned break. That is, until (Crush) taps you on the shoulder and asks you if they could talk to you about something. What on earth could it be?

2. As cliche as it probably was, you were a prince/princess, heir to one of the most powerful kingdoms in the land. And as heir to said kingdom, you had to do a lot of things you didn't want to do. Marrying a stranger to secure an alliance between your kingdom and theirs was most certainly on that list. Arriving at their kingdom, you didn't know what to expect, never having left your home before. You're just hoping that they're not too big of a jerk

3. Getting kidnapped by a dragon wasn't... ideal to say the least. Yes, you knew it was an occupational hazard of being a prince/princess but still, you had hoped to avoid the whole situation as long as possible. On the upside though, they got you out of the castle right before you had to go through with an awful arranged marriage and their cave honestly wasn't so bad to stay in, filled with plenty of neat stuff ranging from books to read to furniture that you swore was nicer than the stuff you had back home. Plus, they were actually really, really nice! Well, to you at least. To the knights sent to rescue you? Eh, not so much. It's maybe around three months into your stay with the dragon that you notice the poor creature is seemingly getting sick. It's running a fever, it sticks as close to you as possible no matter where you went in the cave and it keeps nuzzling you and bringing you 'gifts', said gifts ranging from an entire tree full of flowers that it yanked up from a nearby orchard to a cow that it had grabbed from a farm and roasted. Just as you're about to go down to the nearest village to get help for your scaley friend, you're picked up by the scruff of your clothes and dragged to what can only be described as a human-sized nest, dropped into it with almost no sense of decorum. The dragon looks at you with what is pretty obviously hope in its eyes. Uh oh, you may just be in serious trouble here.
((This one goes straight to PM))

4. Make it up

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