⚔ Soul Eater AU ⚔

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1. Ah, you never forget your first day at school. And having to climb up a sh*t ton of steps just to reach the stupid place is certainly gonna sear the day into your memory for the rest of time. Still, you're here and you're excited to take the first step on the road to the rest of your life. After getting your welcome badge that says (meister/weapon), you are faced with a large room full of people, nerves suddenly hitting you. Yeah, you knew you could change your partner at any time during the years to come but that didn't mean you wanted to. So, off to find someone you can feasibly make a connection with. This is gonna be fun...

2. You and your weapon/meister, (crush), are in the middle of a massive argument. You don't remember who started it, all you know is that you're right and they should stop being so freaking stubborn and just apologise already! Needless to say, said argument is getting in the way of your training, one of your teachers actually stepping in to say you had better work it out by the end of the day or else they were going to have to assign you a new partner. Just perfect

3. Simple mission: track down a serial killer loose in the streets of Paris and stop them before they strike again. Really, you could do this in your sleep. The big complication? You're kinda hoping to use the romantic setting to your advantage when you confess your feelings for (crush). And your nerves on the matter... well, it's definitely affecting your ability to concentrate. Man street lamps can hurt when you walk into them

4. Feel free to make up your own! And also, watch Soul Eater. It's a good show! One of the first animes I ever saw :3

List of My OCs and If They're A Meister Or A Weapon

Hayami Hada: Meister

Rini Chouyaku: Weapon, Handgun (specifically a Desert Eagle)

Tamamizu Tanaka: Weapon, Sword (specifically a katana)

Kagami Evans: Meister

Izanami Sone: Weapon, Scythe

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