▪︎ OC 5 ▪︎

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Name: Izanami Saito

Nicknames: Phantom, Ghost Girl, Witchka, Sherlock, Various Others She Doesn't Want To Mention, Nami, Kitten, etc

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Appearance: Nami has dead straight, snow white hair that goes to her ribs and is usually held back in a braid, pitch black eyes that often have heavy bags under them, deathly pale skin that largely comes from lack of sleep and is generally seen as pretty, albeit in a slightly ethereal way (many people have sworn up and down that they thought she was a ghost when they first met her). She is about 5'6" and has a slim build with average curves, the girl deceptively strong. She has triple lobe piercings in both ears (her favourite earrings to wear are a set of black butterflies, silver owls and black studs) and always wears a silver necklace with an hourglass charm that has her name written on it. On her right palm is the word 'hello' and on her left is the word 'goodbye', both words looking tattooed but actually being birthmarks

Personality: Nami is just one hundred and ten percent done with everything. She could not give less of a *beep* what anyone thinks of her, often going through life in a vague state of annoyance, particularly when people mention she should sleep more. She is snarky, sarcastic, short tempered and more than a little odd, often seen talking to seemingly no one and avoiding certain areas and people like the plague despite not really having much of a good reason to. She is weirdly knowledgeable in a lot of random areas, rarely explaining how she knows something, and is deeply passionate about forensics, always the first person people call when they need help with a mystery of any kind

Pro-Hero/Villain/Student?: Student

Class: 1-B

Quirk Name: Ouija

Quirk Description: Nami is able to see ghosts as well as summon them into the physical realm or have them possess her for short periods of time. When she is possessed, she is able to use the Quirk of whatever spirit that is possessing her, her eyes turning a glowing green in order to alert people that she wasn't the one behind the steering wheel, as if the change in personality wasn't enough of a clue

Quirk Drawbacks: Summoning a spirit takes a lot of energy to maintain, being possessed takes a lot out of her and the longer she's possessed, the worse the after effects (the longest she's ever been possessed was an hour and she spent over two weeks recovering, stuck in bed the entire time alternating between high fevers, bouts of extreme nausea and the occasional severe case of hypothermia), she can't switch her Quirk off so she's stuck dealing with ghosts 24/7 (not all of them are nice to be around or seem to grasp that she needs sleep), not everyone becomes a ghost so the options she has to work with are pretty limited and she has to be careful who she lets possess her cause certain Quirks can do a lot more damage to her than anyone she's fighting

Hero Name: The Ghost Hero: Séance

Hero Costume: A black, sleeveless bodysuit with a high collar, a pair of white gloves that end at her wrists, a white belt with plenty of pockets attached to it, white boots that go up to her knees with black laces and a black domino mask. She also wears her earrings and necklace as well as a white leather jacket with a design on the back to look like a ouija board when it gets cold. She puts her hair up in a braided bun, weaving in a black ribbon

Love Interest: Hitoshi Shinso ((back ups are Denki Kaminari, Kirishima Eijirou and your OC))

Backstory: Nami... well, she didn't have the best of childhoods, that much is certain. Adopted at birth with no clue who her birth parents are, when she got her Quirk, she and her parents honestly thought she was going crazy. After all, seeing ghosts was not exactly a sign of good mental health. But after three months of extensive tests, it turned out that yes, the ghosts were a part of her Quirk and no, she wasn't crazy. Then came the bullying and people avoiding her like the plague. Yeah, talking to people only you can see sorta paints a giant target on your back and even when she didn't talk to the ghosts, having to explain what her Quirk was drove away any potential friends (humans, as a rule, tend to avoid things that remind them of death). She spent most of her childhood alone, throwing herself into books to cope and learning all sorts of things from the ghosts she attracted. She applied to UA in hope that she would be able to change people's preconceived perceptions about her, honestly shocked when she got in and into the hero course no less

Other: Cats absolutely adore her and she almost always has a few following her around (she loves giving them really weird names), she avoids Izuku like the plague, her favourite flowers are poppies and her necklace is from her birth parents

Other: Cats absolutely adore her and she almost always has a few following her around (she loves giving them really weird names), she avoids Izuku like the plague, her favourite flowers are poppies and her necklace is from her birth parents

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